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An Article On Los Angeles Newspaper Criticized The Design Of Apple's New Headquarteantirs To Be Outd

Posted On : Sep-13-2011 | seen (207) times | Article Word Count : 384 |

"Los Angeles Times" (LA Times) published an article criticizing Apple's new "spaceship headquarters", the article said that the design of Apple's new headquarters lack of vision, is a retrograde cocoon.
"Los Angeles Times" (LA Times) published an article criticizing Apple's new "spaceship headquarters", the article said that the design of Apple's new headquarters lack of vision, is a retrograde cocoon.

The article pointed out, Apple's new headquarters let the staff away from the city crowd, and move to the suburbs to go to work, people will lack the collective consciousness; it also questioned the Cupertino Committee had approved Steve Jobs's proposal without deep investigation, whether contrary to the regulations.

The article writer Christopher Hawthorne believes that Apple's new headquarters is designed to be futuristic, but the actual plan has become very antique, very outdated, and in contrast to the circular building in 1943, noting that in the 1960s and 1970s, there were many "suburban companies", Apple is in the back.

On Apple's new headquarters' focusing on environmental protection, the author also carried out attacks and insinuations, he thought that Apple's new building is far from urban areas and is so large, its dependence on automobile will be far beyond the normal range. Therefore, it will be a considerable impact on the environment and traffic.

Although Apple has not disclosure the design and development team and the company of the new headquarters, but the news that the architect Norman Foster is the principal architect of Apple's new headquarters has been disclosed. Its Foster + Partners company in London took over this business.

Hawthorne emphasized that the plans Apple applicated this time is a typical design program of "capitalism rural style", a idyllic style to give up the city to the suburbs - isolated, proprietary, lack of experience, and social isolation. According to the idea of this article's author Hawthorne, the new headquarters of Apple plan is to "circle" staff in the outskirts to authoritarian control, letting the staff away from the municipal management, and even a little isolated, while the headquarters like an endless annular corridor.

In comparison, Steve Jobs has said publicly before, Apple's new headquarters will be the world's best office buildings, somewhat like a spaceship, and thiss comments were a "setback for the cocoon", I do not know how Job Steves would feel. Apple's new headquarters is expected to be completed in 2015, can accommodate 13,000 employees, to meet the needs of Apple's rapid development.

Article Source : Article On Los Angeles Newspaper Criticized The Design Of Apple's New Headquarteantirs To Be Outd_81375.aspx

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