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Alvin Pates is a philanthropist that feels education is the building block to the future of a nation

Posted On : Oct-08-2011 | seen (245) times | Article Word Count : 504 |

Philanthropy has a new face; Alvin Pates. Help him in his plight to educate underpriveleged children in the Philippines.
Children are the future of any nation, and Alvin Pates firmly believes in that. That is why he is a philanthropist that promotes education for underprivileged children so that all of our futures are bright. Alvin Pates promotes universal education, and creates a process that will help these children with their education in a mainstream and sustainable way. This allows these children to emerge into society as productive adults, which sets the stage for a strong and stable nation. His dedication to change in the Philippines is through the focus on education and the belief that a strong education is critical for social and economic changes in a country. In order to create this change, Alvin Pates has a list of objectives that help in creating a stronger community through education. His objectives are to encourage different local groups from around the globe to reach out to other sections of the world's population; to provide a solid education to underprivileged children in the Philippines; to get the required resources for the groups objectives to be obtained; to support and join in a cooperative effort with others who are already engaged in philanthropic actions; to address health care, women's issues, environment and other problems affecting people's lives, and; to help with outside organizations and individuals to join in these activities.

For a developing country such as the Philippines, developing the children through education is the key to the nation's progression. Through educating the children, we can address any issue that holds back the nation from being stronger and healthier. Alvin Pates believes that the changes required to make the Philippines a strong country will only come when people from privileged countries and backgrounds help in finding solutions to these problems. Education is the very definition of a better life. It gives people an empowerment to earn their livelihoods and increasing their socio-economic awareness. This leads to better citizenry all the way around.

For an emerging country like the Philippines, the education and proactivity of its children are the key to the future. Developing these underprivileged children will only make the nation stronger, and allow it to progress further. Through the education of underprivileged children in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world, we are addressing not only education, but health care, unemployment issues, poverty, the control of the population and human rights issues. No matter where we live in the world, everyone should be entitled to the right of an education. Unfortunately, in many countries, this is not the case. For Filipino children, their education is secondary to many other issues that the Philippines faces each day. Alvin Pates strongly feels that this change will come, but only with the help of others who are able to proactively help these underprivileged children. Universal education among children creates not only a more intelligent individual, but also develops a process in which allows them to set the stage for a better, stronger nation. The children are our future, regardless of where they live.

Article Source : Pates is a philanthropist that feels education is the building block to the future of a nation_89852.aspx

Author Resource :
Help fight illiteracy in the Philippines. Visit Alvin Pates

Keywords : Alvin Pates,

Category : Business : Business

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