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African People And Culture

Posted On : Oct-07-2011 | seen (465) times | Article Word Count : 517 |

Africa is an amazing continent. It has such a huge number of countries residing in its expanse that it is just amazing .
Africa is an amazing continent. It has such a huge number of countries residing in its expanse that it is just amazing to even ponder the amount of cultural diversity found in the labyrinths of the African sands. The diversity is so huge between the countries that it’ll take ages just to sort them out by their various tribes. Even more so, the cultural difference inside the countries is greater. You will find the Zulu tribes, the Mana peoples culture all residing within an area and still they will be having a drastic diversity in languages, customs and what not else.Most of the diversity is found in customs and ethnic groups if we disregard the minor differences. Each ethnic group diversifies in the matter of religion, the custom they follow and the tongues they speak.

Everything is very different regarding each tribe or ethnic groups. Islam and Christianity are the most followed upon religions in the African continent. Though there are various numbers of other religions residing and prospering as well. But the fore mentioned religions have the most power.Minority in the African cities is after following the western culture and doing their customs and norms. Disregarding the identity crisis, majority of African cities now follow their own cultural values and customs with awe and dedication. This is on such a large extent that people are inspiring by them each and every day. The people are very stead fast in their lives and for making their life’s decisions. They always stay by who they really are.

Most of the people in Africa earn their bread with crafts of different types, livestock, farming, fishing and trade between cities and villages. Christianity is the most common religion practiced in Africa but Muslim majority is increasing day by day. Many other religions are also practiced freely. Art, Craft, music and festivals are customary to different areas of Africa. But these are most important traditions. Each and every city, village, town celebrates one or other type of festival. These festivals are colorful and attract scores of visitors from around the world. Soups are the important part of dining table in most African homes. Most traditional dishes are soups of different variety. African food is a fusion of vegetables, fruits, milk and meat. Hot species and peppers are used in African cuisine frequently. Coastal areas use dried fish mixed with meat. Rice and bread are also consumed.

Yams and cassava are popular among Africans. Art and craft is an important tool. Wood craft, weaving, pottery making, hand-made embroidery items and hand printed clothes are famous crafts of Africa. Painting and sculptures are important features of African art specially sculpture. Sculptures in wood, brass and metal are unique to African style.The common themes seen in painting and sculptures are couples, women holding a child, weapons, animals and outsiders. These entire themes represent true African culture.Africa is diverse and rich in ethnicities. Different African countries have different national languages. The most commonly spoken are Arabic, Sawahili and Hausa. Most people also speak English, French, and Spanish as well.

Article Source : People And Culture_89577.aspx

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Keywords : african cities, african style, different african countries, different african, represent true African,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Destinations

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