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Advantages & Disadvantages of Content Management versus Static Management

Posted On : Aug-16-2011 | seen (465) times | Article Word Count : 1022 |

Henceforth, to overcome the discrepancies of the static website applications, the small business owners should certainly make an appropriate use of the content management system and expand their business through on-line marketing and maintain their position in the search engine listings.
Technology is becoming more advanced day by day so this can be beneficial for the small business owners to establish their business globally. There are varieties of options available in the market through which the small companies can try to obtain the best strategy and get the desired result. In order to expand the business these companies can take help of some search engine experts who can do the optimization of their website.

When the company decides to built up a new website than, there are many choices available at their disposal now, it is their choice to pick up the best option which will increase the traffic on their website via on-line marketing. They have a choice of optimizing their website by the way of static management system or the content management system, the choice is theirs.

It is just an illusion that only large scale companies can use the content management system because as technology is getting more advanced, even small companies can enjoy the benefits of getting updated with the latest technologies prevailing in the market. The companies can certainly make transformation of its entity by using the CMS rather than the Static management system.

Meaning of Static website:

When the small companies built the website on the primary stage with the help of some initial guidelines and some of the primary tools, which cannot be modified or edited without knowing the HTML code language this stage of the website is called static website development.

The following are the advantages of static website:

Advantages of static website:

• For the small scale business developers’ making their website static proves to be cheaper as they are in the initial stage of the business development.

• A small business can be easily managed by fewer employees and there is no need to hire a big management team. In fact keeping the website in static mode will be cost effective and less time consuming.

• They can make their website more users friendly for the end users because it is just like the one man show. Management can enjoy more flexible options because they do not have to put efforts to maintain it.

The following are the disadvantages of the static website:
Disadvantages of static website:

• The static website can prove to be more expensive in the long run because if they want to modify the WebPages than, they have to do it individually and this consumes more time and the process becomes more tedious. Not only this but, people have to rely on the single machine to make any updates or changes as small business owners cannot afford huge number of machineries to be installed.

• No proper maintenance of the website due to inefficiency of the management people may lead to a lower ranking of the website in the search engine listing. It may happen that, the person who is updating the website may face some problems due to natural calamities so, he cannot keep a track record of the updates as he has to manage everything single handed. Due to this reason they are unable to maintain the company’s standards.

• In order to get good results the small scale companies have to give training to their staff to develop their inner skills so that they can give better performance. And they have to regularly do the practice of keeping the website updated which is time consuming and costly.

Now let’s move to content management system.

Meaning of content management system:

When any non technical background person tries to update and modify the website without having any sound knowledge of the webpage designing or modifying it, this process of fitting the content into the webpage area accurately is called as the content management system. Let’s have a look at the advantages of the content management system. The following are the advantages:

Advantages of the content management system:

• Once the content has been fitted according to the requirement of the webpage than, it is just a click away. This means the user just has to click particular button and they get the required information in less time and at the same time it is cost effective also.

• When the company opts for this strategy than, there are high chances for them to get a better ranking in the search engine listings. It will reflect the company’s impression and they can hit their desired target audience easily. This will increase the possibilities of business expansion through on line marketing and the social networking will become stronger.

• The management can feel more secured by using the CMS method because this involves the workforce to maintain the decorum of the webpage of their company and employers or employees can easily maintain the track record of the activities done on-line. Making any modifications can become easier with CMS and it can save lot of time of the company.

The following are the disadvantages of the content management system:

Disadvantages of the content management system:

• For small business owners CMS is quite an expensive process, so they feel that it is just an unnecessary investment which is inappropriate for the small scale business. The companies who want results in short term cannot afford the CRM because they have to accept the fact that: No one can gain expertise overnight.

• As CMS is ongoing process so, it can be proved to be more expensive in long run rather than the static website maintenance. Every time the company has to pay the maintenance fees which leads to increased cost factor and the job becomes more tedious.

• In order to remain in the market and maintain the top position, the company has to appoint the best search engine optimization expert who can be proved to be costly and it hinders the company’s progress. It is so time consuming that every time the experts have to design and re-design the company’s website according to the market demand and do timely modifications.

Article Source : & Disadvantages of Content Management versus Static Management_73916.aspx

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The Author is a Proclaimed writer of Content Management Solution & Static Management. He regularly writes articles on how to overcome the discrepancies of the static management over Content Management.

Keywords : CMS, Content Management System, Content Management Solution,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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