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Add a Little Spice to Your Life

Posted On : Aug-16-2011 | seen (676) times | Article Word Count : 472 |

Spices add flavor to any meal. They are generally inexpensive. They store for long periods. They won’t cause any unwanted weight gain. However, the benefits of using spices go far beyond that: they can actually heal health problems and prevent even serious diseases from taking hold. Let’s take a look at a few spices and learn how they can help you remedy common health problems and make it easier to enjoy all the wonderful things that life has to offer.
Spices add flavor to any meal. They are generally inexpensive. They store for long periods. They won’t cause any unwanted weight gain. However, the benefits of using spices go far beyond that: they can actually heal health problems and prevent even serious diseases from taking hold.
Let’s take a look at a few spices and learn how they can help you remedy common health problems and make it easier to enjoy all the wonderful things that life has to offer.
Chili to Burn Calories
Your body constantly burns calories and uses vitamins and minerals to maintain cells. This process is what is referred to as your metabolism. Everyone has a unique and specific “resting metabolic rate” (RMR). Your RMR is defined as the rate just sufficient to keep you alive without any physical activity.
Your RMR depends on a number of factors: your age, genes, gender and body fat. Hormones and medicines can also affect your RMR. Both aging and obesity can cause a low RMR.
So remember to spice things up a little and try some chili with your lunch or dinner. You could help your body burn off calories more efficiently and improve your energy levels.
Cloves: a Potent Anti-inflammatory
Clove is a popular spice. It adds a sweet and aromatic taste to pumpkin pie, muffins, cookies and breads. Cloves are also added to many entrées.
Cloves are an excellent source of manganese; a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids; and a good source of calcium and magnesium.
Cloves can also act as a digestive aid. When using clove oil, keep in mind that the oil is very strong and can cause irritation if used in its pure form.
Garlic & Turmeric Protect the Heart
Garlic is high in sulfur compounds. These compounds are potent extractors of toxic heavy chemicals in your body. They bind with chemicals so that they can be excreted, instead of taking hold in your organs and causing damage. These sulfur compounds are also effective at protecting against oxidation and free radicals. Garlic is also a natural antiseptic. It can be used both inside and outside your body to fight infection. Garlic can help lower your blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol levels.
Cinnamon Could Help Control Insulin
Cinnamon has a wonderful, fragrant smell. It can spice up any dish, especially desserts. Cinnamon has been around for a long time as a spice — evidence shows that the ancient Egyptians used it regularly.
Cinnamon comes from the brown bark of the cinnamon tree. Cinnamon bark is usually ground to a powder and sold in this form. There are actually two varieties of cinnamon: Chinese and Ceylon. Both have similar flavor, but the cinnamon from Ceylon is slightly sweeter, more refined and more difficult to find in local markets.

Article Source : a Little Spice to Your Life_73790.aspx

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Keywords : heal health problems, Burn Calories,

Category : Health and Fitness : Nutrition

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