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Acidity Herbal Remedies and Natural Treatment for Acidity Problems

Posted On : Sep-09-2010 | seen (397) times | Article Word Count : 599 |

The state (here in stomach) in which present is more acid than the usually required. The stomach is hypothetical to have both, the acute and chronic disorders. The condition of exasperating the stomach may consequence from abuse through wrongly chosen of food and from incorrect eating habits. .
The state (here in stomach) in which present is more acid than the usually required. The stomach is hypothetical to have both, the acute and chronic disorders.

The condition of exasperating the stomach may consequence from abuse through wrongly chosen of food and from incorrect eating habits.

Such a state in which there is abnormal chemistry within the body like toxemia and acidosis may also disturb the performance of the organ.

Acidic and basic are two limits that describe chemicals, just like hot and cold are two extremes that explain temperature.

Mixing acids and basis can cancel out their tremendous effects; much like mixing hot and cold water can smooth out the water temperature.

A substance that is neither acidic nor basic is neutral. The pH scale actions how acidic or basic a substance is.

This is caused due to extreme secretion of hydrochloric acid, either from an greater than before amount of the gastric juice or greater than before attentiveness of hydrochloric acid in it.

Other reason for this may be fermentation of organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid.

Increased acidity with regurgitation causes some amount of oesophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), which increases the sensitiveness.

Acidity causes reflex increased secretion of alkaline saliva, which accumulates in the esophagus and is quick into the mouth without any sensation of vomiting. This is commonly connected with duodenal ulcer.

Causes of Acidity

There are many causes like diet, mismatched food, emotions and nerve reflex may impact on the acid secretion.

1. Excessive smoking
2. Drinking too much alcohol
3. Gastro duodenal (peptic) ulcer
4. Hyper emission of hydrochloric acid
5. Reflux of gastric acid
6. Not having meals on time

Symptoms of Acidity

Stomach acid is a very natural, vital part of the digestion process. It is a necessary component in breaking down food into particles small sufficient to benefit the body.

1. Sour oral secretion/belching.
2. Vomiting, annoyance.
3. Heat in the body.
4. Lack of appetite.

Treatment of Acidity

Avoid foods such as chocolate, tomoto juices, peppermint, food or drinks contain caffeine, fried or fatty foods, carbonated drinks as these can worsen acidity problem.

Take a cardamom and a clove and residue it. Consume it like a mouth freshener after having your each meal. Not only this remedy will take care of your acidity predicament, but also will keep away bad breath.

Boil one cup of water. To this add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf). Cover and leave during the night. Strain the water in the morning, add 1 tsp of honey. When this is taken 3 times a day it prevent acidity.

Home Remedies for Acidity

Sucking a piece of clove will give respite from acidity.

Consumption of milk and milk products is valuable during acidity.

Intake of fresh mint juice daily is the best home remedy for acidity.

Taking a mixture of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water before meals, will reduce the odds of acidity and is another good home remedy for acidity.

Another effectual acidity cure is to boil cumin seeds in a glass of water and drink it with meals.

Intake of spicy foods, fried foods and pickles be supposed to be avoided.

Unripe foods with high pectin content should also be avoided.

The fruit like watermelon, banana and cucumber also reduce acidity and is good natural preparation for acidity.

Article Source : Herbal Remedies and Natural Treatment for Acidity Problems_32424.aspx

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Keywords : ph acidity, what is acidity, water acidity body acidity, soil acidity, stomach acidity, acidity symptoms, vinegar acidity,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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