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In an argument or even otherwise; whenever we are confidant of our part of the story then it is divulged through vehemence. During those moments there is a steam inside that insists for an outburst aspiring to engulf all involved into that particular moment.
In an argument or even otherwise; whenever we are confidant of our part of the story then it is divulged through vehemence. During those moments there is a steam inside that insists for an outburst aspiring to engulf all involved into that particular moment. Unchecked it becomes our normal conduct that even during ordinary dialogue… arrogant satire of unnecessary vehemence becomes our signature. We do not understand the extent of damage that is inflicted towards the harmonious construction of our surrounds. The infelicity dawns when few who hold some clandestine acrimony embedded in their hearts appreciate our arrogance as our self confidence… such appreciation further venoms our fire with inflammable fuel.
At times the nasty right of arrogance comes to few from their hierarchical placement. Instead that they should lead they start to deal their teams through arrogant communication. When we do not harmonize self for meaningful objectives then our same amount of energy falls prey to demeaning ends through fatal instruments such as arrogance. When we deal through arrogance we turn into a billow that blows fire around unmindful of its impact. We turn the esteem of many around… transformation of friends into foe becomes unavoidable. We dissuade openness. We invite back stabbing. We instil the evil forces that shall ride us thereon to levels that are high enough; so that our fall becomes pretty eminent to maximum number of onlookers. Even slightest of problem with us becomes the moment of festivity for most around us… Our presence is a condolence demanding compulsive smiles and our absence is festivity as a boon of divine bliss. Compassion runs for shelter the moment arrogant appear, love shall not show its face when arrogant are any near, harmony shall park self at some unknown bay when arrogance dawns. Any good looking man or woman with arrogance installed shall enjoy reaping all evil fruits UN less it is checked through a self initiated assessment followed by a due correction.
How many of us really want to take a fair and unbiased stock of the self… we are indeed accustomed of a chit chat with a glass of bear at hand; why don’t we take the same glass of bear close but change the agenda from chit chat to taking stock of our own self. Remember Deception has multitudinous manner but no bones to stay; the moment a fog light of awareness and probe shall sight upon it … it (deception) shall wither away without leaving its trace. I inspire you to look towards your own manner to respond others. None in this world can hide self from one’s own self… any number of logic shall crumble the moment the judiciousness is switched on within…
There are many who suggest en number of ways and methods to check arrogance in one’s own conduct; my experience in my own life and with several hundreds of thousands of those who have come across me states that… any amount of externality as approach shall yield results similar to those as with pruning of tree at peripheral levels. In case a change in the parent design is sought then it starts at the end of genetic engineering at the end of the seed. And the same goes for human behaviour too… the perceptions are constructed at the back end and unless we dive down within to trace our program levels the changes at our application end shall remain minimal and temporary.
A sincere dialogue with the self enables one dive to ones programming levels where alteration at preceptory ends becomes possible. None else bears the authority to argue before the might of one’s own self… the self alone is empowered to argue and convince one’s own self to change the way of response ability. Indeed yes to be able to sit down and have a fair dialogue with one’s own self too is a skill that needs little patience and working. For those who are able to accomplish it then become the ones for whom no networking site makes any sense… they befriend even the passing wind. They are true leaders who need no hierarchical rung to highlight their worthiness… wherever they are participation flows towards them from all corners. Wait I am on to an e book upon this subject… the one that shall guide about procedure to initiate a dialogue within. Desire2will.com. dinesh kumar.(learning under discipline)
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_ARROGANCE RESIZED; NECESSARY FOR CORPORATE LEARNING_119439.aspx
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Keywords :
ancient wisdom, inner growth, learning and knowledge, Learning under Discipline, self development, self empowerment , arrogan,
Category :
Self Improvement
Self Improvement