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A peek into some stringed instruments-the violins, the violas and the cellos

Posted On : Aug-08-2011 | seen (296) times | Article Word Count : 513 |

The gift of music has not been conferred upon many people on this planet. There are only a few people who are born musicians. If you think you have some talent in music you can try honing these skills.
The gift of music has not been conferred upon many people on this planet. There are only a few people who are born musicians. If you think you have some talent in music you can try honing these skills. The violin is one of the best musical instruments which amateurs as well as skilled people can play. Those who are interested in playing the violin can take up lessons. When you decide to a take lessons you must first obtain the instrument. Here you have two options-one is to buy the instrument and the other is to rent it. There are several violin rental shops that you can approach. To get a violin rental you may also approach someone who plays the instrument.

Once you know how to play the instrument you can make use of your talent and display it on special events and occasions by playing violins, violas or any other instruments. Both violins and violas belong to the string family. They also look and sound very similar but there are a few subtle differences between the two. If you go to watch an orchestra concert you will find the first violins seated to the left of the conductor. The section usually extends from the back of conductor to the wings. Further on into the stage you will find the second violins. Onto the conductor’s right you will find the cellos while in between the second violins and cellos you will find the violas.

You may also distinguish between the violins and violas by the size of their body. Violas have a larger body as compared to violins. Violins have a standard length of 14 inches whereas violas, which do not have any standard length, are larger than violins. Another notable difference between the violin and the viola is that the violin is highest pitched member of the string family while the viola is the second-highest pitched member. Violas have a range lower than that of violins. When you look at the orchestra, you will be able to distinguish between the violin and the viola by the role they play there. Most orchestras have a larger violin section than they have a viola section.

Now what are cellos? Cello, a large stringed instrument, also belongs to the violin family. Its actual name is violoncello and it is often written using an apostrophe like ‘cello. Cellos are made of wood and they are of the same shape as that of violins. Cellos come in a number of sizes, the smaller ones are meant for the children while the larger ones can be played by an adult. You can play a cello with a bow just like the violin and you may also pluck it. A cello can be played in classical music or romantic ones. If you want to learn to play the cello you may rent it from a cello rental. Cello rental shops can be easily found and they can offer the instrument on a low rent.

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Article Source : peek into some stringed instruments-the violins, the violas and the cellos_72117.aspx

Author Resource :
John S. is an author of this article who writes about the various string instruments like Violas, Violin and Violin Rental. He has also mentioned some ideas for taking Cellos, Violin and Cello Rental from a string instrumental shop.

Keywords : Violas, Cellos, Violin, Violin Rental, Cello Rental,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Music

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