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A brief discussion on reciprocal links

Posted On : Oct-26-2009 | seen (818) times | Article Word Count : 535 |

Reciprocal link building helps a lot in your growth towards Page ranking but take care about the relevancy and the quality of the sites that you are linking to.
One of the most vital part of the link building in Search Engine Optimization is the reciprocal link building. To promote the growth in the ranking of the website this is one of the most important things that you need to do. It is somewhat like an agreement that one website would post the link of another website while the other would do the same in return. It is a kind of text or banner link to a site in which both the sites have similar link to each other. It is a kind of agreement based on trust, as the webmasters doesn’t have much time to monitor whether the other site is maintaining the link on their site.

The fact is that too much of reciprocal links doesn’t always work better. Sometimes it is seen that some of the sites have hundreds of banner or text links on a single page and on visiting the linked paged you would find the same scenario. This is most unlikely to have such links, as such a thing can’t always bring more traffic. And therefore it is not a good idea to have lots of reciprocal links. Rather if you try to build up a few such relevant links, that would be a far better thing to do.

Moreover you should always know which site to link to. It is not likely that you go on linking to each and every site that is willing to link with you. Relevancy is the most important thing that is to be kept in mind and you should only link to the handful of most relevant sites. And if you choose sites relevant to the subject of your site, you can better maintain the interest level of your visitors in the topic they have gone through in your site.

However, you should avoid linking with those sites that are having blocked recips. In this case there are some sites who block the back links from the search engine spiders. Perhaps they want to show their sites to be having one-way links, or perhaps they want their site to appear to have fewer outbound links. This is not much a helpful thing for your site.

Moreover it is strongly recommended that reciprocal link building should be the part of the link building strategy not the sole concern of your marketing strategy. However most of the leading search engines check for the quality and the relevancy of the links that you are having. Therefore keep an eye on the relevancy of the sites that you are linking to. You should also often visit their links pages and examine them. Though it sometimes seem to be frustrating and time consuming to find out sites for link building but be sure that you efforts would not be in vain if you are in the right path gather better quality and relevant back links.

In order to get more relevant reciprocal links you can search in Google for link exchange websites which publish directories of website owners who exchange links with each other. But always be careful not to get involved in link firms which link to totally unrelated websites.

Article Source : brief discussion on reciprocal links_4505.aspx

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