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A basic guideline to SSI and the social security disability benefits

Posted On : Dec-18-2011 | seen (183) times | Article Word Count : 408 |

When you talk about the SSI disability, you might instantly think about the senior citizens. Here are some useful guidelines.
Although when you talk or think about the SSI disability programs, you instantly think about the elderly members of your household. But the reality is that there are also many other individuals who are of the age much younger and working who qualifies for such benefits of the SSI disability programs.

There are people like young adults who are blind or are handicapped and are unable to work for several health care reasons. These people are eligible to qualify for the programs. In case of the children too, when a caregiver passes away, the social security disability benefits are applicable based on the disability of the caregivers. Here are some of the important things that you must know about the benefits of the social security:

For the elderly people, if you are more than 62 years of age, you are eligible for the social security benefits. Usually the monthly amount payment will depend on the age of retirement and when you apply for the benefits. But in case of the social security disability benefits, you are eligible for full and complete benefits and the complete payment amount. You are also eligible to receive benefits from the spouse if he or she has received the age of retirement provided that you are still married with your spouse at that point of time. In case you are separated from your spouse, then you must not have remarried for the last 10 years.

In case of the adults, many people find themselves disabled at the age of working. These people are eligible for the social security disability benefits. Usually any ailment whether mental or physical which has lasted for a minimum of 12 months and has left you unable to work gives you the eligibility to apply for the benefits program. This program pays to the disabled individuals, who have worked for a certain period of time, also depending on when they become disabled for working further.

If you have not worked for the required number of years, you can still be eligible for the supplemental security income. It is designed for disabled people who have very little resources. In case of the Children too, like the survivor benefits in which children who have lost their parents may qualify for this program. The amount will be paid to the legal guardian of the children.

Thus the SSI disability program is quite beneficial for disable people.

Article Source : basic guideline to SSI and the social security disability benefits_120804.aspx

Author Resource :
Safina Jones is a legal advisor who has good information on SSI disability For more information on ssecurity disability benefits, please visit

Keywords : SSI Disability, Social Security Disability benefits,

Category : Business : Business

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