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A Powerful Movie Organizer for Keeping Your Movie Library

Posted On : Dec-01-2011 | seen (284) times | Article Word Count : 643 |

Movienizer is a powerful movie organizer program which allows you to easily and effectively organize your movies in a user-friendly manner. This will help you to keep your movie collection tidy and quickly find what you want.
With a large collection of movies either stored on your computer as video files or kept on physical media like DVD and Blu-Ray, finding some particular movie can quickly start getting difficult and time consuming. Movienizer is a special movie organizer program that will help you to overcome this problem and to enjoy the features of a movie database and encyclopedia as well. It is a convenient, centralized resource where you can quickly find what you want. It also provides a great deal of information about your movies, actors and directors including biographies, photos and filmographies. This is particularly useful when you are looking for movies with a particular set of credits, as you will be able to find all movies starring a certain actor or director. Movienizer helps you to organize movies in the most user-friendly manner possible.

As you have probably seen from other people's audio and video collections, quite often they are kept in a complete mess, and it is always difficult to find the files that you are looking for. Movienizer helps movie enthusiasts with ever growing collections of movies to keep their collection under control. You can also use it to build a DVD database, a Blu-Ray database, a VHS database, or a film database containing any combination of the mentioned media types. Among other things, it stores information on audio tracks, subtitles and language versions. Every movie in the database includes a cast list, information about the format and length of the movie, and much more. You can simply type in a movie title, or even scan a barcode from the movie's DVD/Blu-Ray box (Movienizer includes a unique webcam barcode reader feature), and the program will download movie information automatically.

Movienizer makes it especially easy to remember what a specific movie is about. You can mark the movies that you've already seen so that you can easily and immediately distinguish between them and the ones that you haven't yet watched. Interesting films can be marked as wanted and thus added to your personal movie wish list. A rating feature is also included so you can easily build a list of your favorite movies sorted by their rating in a couple of clicks. Screenshots help you to immediately remember important scenes from the movie. IMDb is supported, so you can sort movies by IMDb viewer rating. This feature is extremely welcome since IMDb is by far the most popular and full-featured online movie database and easily the most well-known in the world.

Movie enthusiasts can use the features provided in Movienizer to track the location of their movies as well. For example, you can specify in the built-in movie loan manager whether you lent a movie to a friend and the date when you expect it to be given back.

Movienizer makes it possible for you to learn everything about a movie in just a couple of clicks. Printer-friendly and fully adjustable reports can include all necessary information from budget details to rating, cast and genre, basically everything you can imagine. The movie details are all locally stored in the program's own movie database. This makes it possible for you to use many of Movienizer's features offline and when you are on the move.

The latest version of Movienizer provides some new and improved features. It starts up much faster than previous versions. Now film series are supported, and this feature is also included in a new category. The newest version allows users to apply new filters to the general list: view movies, movie series, or TV series. An additional option in the IMDB script now allows users to download movie screenshots and high definition movie posters from It is also easier to rename video files using the new version of the "video file renamer" plugin.

To learn more, visit

Article Source : Powerful Movie Organizer for Keeping Your Movie Library_112967.aspx

Author Resource :
Jim Owen is a movie enthusiast who has a rapidly growing collection of hundreds of movies across a wide variety of different genres. To ensure that everything is kept track of, he uses a movie organizer .

Keywords : movie organizer, organize movies, dvd organizer, video organizer, loan manager, movie catalog, imdb, video collection, movie ,

Category : Computers : Software

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