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A Journey Into the World of Artwork

Posted On : Oct-23-2011 | seen (261) times | Article Word Count : 649 |

Art exists in various genres and types. It takes a wide variety of materials to make an art. Artists have many options to make their art like with oil paints, pencil, pen and ink, collage, pastels and acrylic paint. To apply any of these medias one may need sponges, brushes and other tools. Some even use their own hands instead of brushes and sponges.
Any work of art in the visual arts refers to artwork. It may be a conceptual art piece in printing, advertising and publishing. It relates to any visual that is not textual material. Art gives a person a way to be expressive and creative. There are different types of artwork. Several of the genres of art consists of landscape and interior, abstract and experimental, still life and floral, portraiture and figure and animal or wildlife art. They can be made of a variety of media and materials. They may fit into a different type or category of art. It is not always necessary to put art perfectly into set categories as types of art can overlap. The different kinds of work of art include Abstract Art, Expressionism, Romanticism, Pointillism, Folk Art, Art Nouveau, Cubism and Realism.

Abstract art consists of abstraction of an image or such an image that is purely unidentifiable. The purpose of this art is not to present a scene or an image, but to convey a sensation or feeling. The focus may be colors or shapes or even lines instead of an image. This art developed during 19th and 20th century. This art sometimes known as nonrepresentational or nonobjective art. Some of the famous abstract artists include Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso and Wassail Kandinsky.

Impressionism artwork started during the 19th century in response to the needs of the to the requirements of the French Academie des Beaux-Arts, referred as The Academie. They demanded such paintings that are traditional and realistic. One more requirement was that the paintings should not reveal the personal style of a painter. The Impressionism artists used stylized imagery, applying thick and short strokes of paint. They made use of opaque applications paint. The focus of artists in this art was on the way light affected an image during in different seasons and during different times of day. This was the reason many painters used to pain outdoors in order to capture the natural effects of light.

Expressionism art began during the 20th century. The goal of this art was to convey emotion through art. Rather than painting realistically, landscapes, subjects and objects unusually formed or often exaggerated. Expressionism does portray existing or real but changes them with emotional quality of the artist. Romanticism started during 18th century. This art is considered picturesque. This art features on the emotional aspect. It heightened with color and feeling, being realistic. Some of the known Romanticist painters include William Blake, Thomas Cole and Henry Fuseli.Pointillism artwork is a made up of tiny dot of color, which produce a recognizable image. Although this art focuses on the genre of portraiture, but some abstract work and landscapes are done in the style. Folk artists include those artists who have not taken any training.

They make art for utilitarian or decorative purposes. This art is made by nearly every culture. The qualities of such art consist of accessible materials like paper, metal, fabric, and carvings as well as clay. Folk art includes puppetry, signs, carved figures, textiles and masks. The term “Art Nouveau” relates to France, and the meaning of this term is "a new art." Art Nouveau makes use of curvilinear aspects of line in order to create a liquid or flowing look. This art was influenced bylines found in nature and floral designs. Cubism art is based on the geometrical representation of objects that are there in a painting. This art began during the late-19th and 20th centuries. Some of the famous Cubism artists includes Juan Gris, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Realism art focuses, not on the artist's emotion or other factors, but it relates to what is seen. The focus is always on portraying objective reality and accuracy. Working situations often involved the subject captured in realism.

Article Source : Journey Into the World of Artwork_95689.aspx

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Keywords : Modern Art, Oil Paintings, Wall Art, Abstract art, contemporary art, Home decor, artwork,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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