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Sandra M Jones has 5 Published Articles

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425 Boardman Avenue, Suite C Traverse City, MI

A Guide to Your Inner Wisdom

Posted On : Sep-28-2011 | seen (785) times | Article Word Count : 783 |

We face challenges every day and move through our problems, and many times we feel forsaken, isolated or misunderstood by others.
As we have a look at the agony in the world around us, many of us see things we wish to heal and change. Out of everything we see, there is absolutely one thing we can change - our relationship to ourselves. In order to move nearer to the truth of who we are, we need to look deep within ourselves.

By doing this, we move outside the restrictions of our character and the world around us starts to transform. Getting familiar with your Higher Self is a loving and forceful way to move closer towards spiritual healing and self-realization. The Higher Self knows everything about us and sees the larger picture. It knows all our past lives, our dreams, irritations, relations, our different characters, the lessons we are learning, the past and our potential future.

The Higher Self could be a perfect guide. Try to imagine the likelihood of seeing everything with a more focused eye, feeling the joy and security of understanding that your decisions are taking you towards your highest good!

We face challenges every day and move through our problems, and many times we feel forsaken, isolated or misunderstood by others. By getting your Higher Self concerned in everyday life, you'll be ready to feel loved, nurtured, and extremely accepted. Your Higher Self is always there for you, in a fashion that another person is unable to be. It is always prepared to offer you all of the attention you want, always loving, has your highest good under consideration steering you ever nearer to your foundation.

As we grow and develop it is rare that we find that our character isn't really enough to support our expanded, abounding Self. We sense and know the chance of true wealthy living, but our old patterns of thinking and doing do not give us the direction we need to effectuate our religious ideals and transform our lives and allow us to live with our own spiritual health.

We need a method of finding our way thru the daily fact of living, in a fashion that supports our Soul's expansive needs. With our Higher Self as navigator we will be able to deepen relations with others through Soul to Soul communication. This deep, expansive communion with the Self is among the strongest, most direct tactics to use the Soul's capability to help with your choices.

The experience is also beautiful and deeply intimate. More intimate than any human relationship. Who could doubtless know you better and love you deeper than the being you came through to be on this earth? This intimacy with the Higher Self is what so many are looking for in a "Soul Mate". The inborn hankering for completion, to be with your other half, the one which was made for you at the start of time, the one that you were intended to be with for all time. That one is your own Soul.

Imagine for a second you're now in a position to feel, taste, touch and know that wonderful union here, now. At last, here is the never-ending love you've been looking for which goes beyond this human existence. Look into those eyes and see only the truth of love shining back at you and know this exact one has been with you all the time. Your heart opens as you're feeling the trust that comes from true commitment. As your heart opens broader, let yourself be welcomed by this great being of love and brilliant light. Feel your heart call to this one. Invite it to flow into your heart, welcoming it. A deep trust and recognition ensues as your Soul's energy fills your heart.

You know this connection is familiar, from the light, from the source.
Secret memories are now recalled. Ah, heat and safety at last. Words of encouragement, hope, love, gentle relaxing phrases drawing you closer. It's been waiting for you, waiting for this union, waiting to combine with you at last. How long have you been waiting for this moment? How frequently have you joined in this completion? The years of separateness drift away as you experience the ecstasy of true love.

Rest in the peace of knowing you've come home at last. Everybody can learn how to turn inside and kibbutz with the Self. With a little practice, the heart continues to open, the process of recovery quickens, life becomes more joyous and the world around us starts to change. Discovering undiluted joy and true contentment needn't be tricky.

Article Source : Guide to Your Inner Wisdom_86418.aspx

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Spirituality and Health Magazine - We report on the people, the practices, and the ideas of the current spiritual renaissance. Spirituality Health is open to all points of view on spiritual questions, drawing on the world's wisdom traditions as well as science.

Keywords : spirituality health, spiritual healing, spiritual magazine, spiritual health magazine, spiritual health, spiritual living, sp,

Category : Health and Fitness : Nutrition

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