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KathleenHayward has 6 Published Articles

United States of America,
Corso Porta Borsari, 23,

A Few Details Any Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Los Angeles Has Will Advise You

Posted On : Dec-05-2011 | seen (325) times | Article Word Count : 562 |

From a prototype design given life in 1885, the motorcycle is now among the most popular modes of transportation. As any motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles provides will tell you, riding one ought to be done while being conscious of safety.
The very thought of riding a motorcycle brings images of a carefree and wild ride. From the time that the first motorcycle was invented, folks have been intrigued by these innovative machines. The concept is so simple, yet it uncovers numerous possibilities for those looking to travel - an engine mounted between two wheels. This provides a person with the mobility and range of a car, but is just a fraction of the size and price of the usual car. It can squeeze through the narrowest of streets while taking you places cars can't. If not for motorcycle crashes and the necessity for a motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles can offer, this might be an ideal mode of transportation.


Many motorcycle experts, along with perhaps a typical motorcycle accident attorney Los Angeles provides, regard the Petroleum Reitwagen as the world's first actual motorcycle. As outlined by an article in Wired magazine by Tony Long entitled "Daimler Gives World First True Motorcycle," the first true motorcycle was the Reitwagen. It was designed and constructed by the German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Germany in 1885. This became the direct ancestor of the motorcycle we see today. It had an internal combustion engine that ran on oil, relying on two outrigger wheels to stay upright while turning.

Motorcycles Now

Today, you can see that the world has adapted the motorbike wholeheartedly. According to the Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, there are currently more than 200 million motorcycles being driven worldwide. That is about 33 motorcycles per 1000 people. The majority of the motorcycles in the world are being driven in the developing countries of Asia - about 58%.

With bikes turning out to be the vehicle of choice for millions around the world, potential motorcycle-owners are advised to keep some things in mind. For starters, safety ought to be of paramount concern. In a study done by the United States Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2006, results indicated that 13.10 cars out of 100,000 became involved in fatal crashes. With motorcycles on the other hand, that number is at 72.34. With these odds, one would be wise to keep the contact details of a good motorcycle accident attorney Los Angeles can offer.

Alarming Statistics

Listed here is a sad statistic any motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles offers will let you know about: according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 80% of all bike accidents result in injury or death. For cars, that statistic is only at 20%. Why the enormous difference? A motorcycle gives you virtually no crash protection for the driver, unlike a car.

Having said that, it is important for people to keep in mind to put safety first above everything when driving or riding your bike. Always remember to wear helmet. It doesn't matter if you're taking a long trip or to the corner store: make use of it. Below are a few tips to keep safe:

- Attend riding and safety courses.

- Get all the necessary safety gear.

- Drive defensively by anticipating what other vehicles and motorists around you are going to do.

- Get the number of a good motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles can offer for when you get into an accident.

Article Source : Few Details Any Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Los Angeles Has Will Advise You_114426.aspx

Author Resource :
Kathleen is a motorcycle lover who is close friends with a motorcycle accident lawyer los angeles provides, and knows just how important knowing a motorcycle crash attorney los angeles offers is when you own and drive a motorcycle.

Keywords : motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles, motorcycle crash attorney Los Angeles,

Category : Reference and Education : Legal

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