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70-533 Microsoft Certified MCTS Certification

Posted On : Jan-22-2015 | seen (754) times | Article Word Count : 548 |

70-533 exams will teach you many elements that will be required for the learning and operating of the Microsoft Azure learning infrastructure.
70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam will teach you many elements that will be required for the learning and operating of the Microsoft Azure learning infrastructure. The need to take this exam arises when the applicants learn and get to experience of information technology.

70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam for the learning topics includes the knowledge of following topics that are:
The first is Implement Websites covering almost fifteen to twenty percent in the exam including the knowledge of Deploy websites Define deployment slots; roll jobs, schedule web jobs, Configure website such as Configure directories including Configure auto-scale using built-in and custom schedules; configure by metric; change the size of an instance, Manage hosting plans consists of how to Create hosting plans; migrate websites between hosting plans; create a website within a hosting plan.

Implement Virtual Machines cover approximately fifteen to twenty percent in the 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam which includes the knowledge of Deploy workloads on Azure virtual machines covering the task to Identify supported Microsoft workloads; deploy and connect to a Linux VM; Implement images and disks, specialized and generalized images for Windows and Linux; copy images between storage accounts and subscriptions.

Perform configuration management includes the knowledge of configuration management by using PowerShell Desired State Configuration and custom script extensions; enable puppet and chef extensions, Configure VM networking which includes Settings include reserved IP addresses, access control list (ACL), internal HTTP and TCP health probes, public IPs direct server return, and Keep Alive and configure availability sets.

Design and implement VM storage includes the objectives to Configure disk caching; plan storage capacity; configure operating system disk redundancy; configure shared storage using Azure File service; configure geo-replication; encrypt disks, Monitor VMs, Configure endpoint monitoring, alerts, and diagnostics.

Implement Cloud Services covering 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions fifteen to twenty percent covering to Configure cloud services and roles including the operating system access rules; configure local storage; configure dedicated and co-located caching, local and cloud configure custom domains, Deploy and manage cloud services computing of VIP swap a deployment; package a deployment; modify configuration files; perform in-place updates; perform runtime configuration changes using the portal; scale a cloud service; create service bus namespaces and choose a tier; apply scalability targets, Monitor cloud services cover bus queues, topics, relays, and notification hubs; configure diagnostics

Implement Storage also cover fifteen to twenty percent in 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam which includes how to Implement blobs and Azure files which may cover Read data; change data; set metadata on a container; use encryption (SSL); perform an a sync blob copy; configure a Content Delivery Network (CDN); implement storage for backup and disaster recovery; configure Azure Backup; define blob hierarchies; configure custom domains; configure the Import and Export Service.

Manage access consist of 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions shared access signatures; use stored access policies; regenerate keys, Configure and logging levels; analyze logs. Implement Virtual Networks covering fifteen to twenty percent as well covers the knowledge of Configure a virtual network including VM into a virtual network; deploy a cloud service into a virtual network; configure static IPs; configure internal load balancing and design subnets.

Article Source : Microsoft Certified MCTS Certification_311050.aspx

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With our 70-533 Preparation Kits, you will be able to pass the 70-532 PDF Questions in your first attempt.

Keywords : 70-533 pdf questions, 70-533 practice test, 70-533 study guides,

Category : Computers : Computer Certification

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