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7 Chores To Get Your Home Ready For Winter

Posted On : Dec-16-2011 | seen (1717) times | Article Word Count : 671 |

The end of summer and the beginning of fall are good times to get your home ready for winter.
Here are seven chores you should put on your "winterizing" list:
1. Lawn Prep
The lawn that you prepare in the fall will be the lush grass you grow in the spring. So before the cold weather arrives, prepare your lawn in the following ways:
Aerate: Punching holes in your lawn will let oxygen and nutrients feed grass roots and give room for grass to spread.
Fertilize: Apply fertilizer before Halloween to fortify your lawn for the winter's cold and wind.
Spread shredded leaves: Instead of raking and bagging all those leaves, shred them with your lawnmower and leave them on your lawn to decompose during the winter to nourish the grass.

2. Clean Gutters
Arguably the nastiest pre-winter chore, cleaning gutters is essential to prevent ice damming and water damage after snow storms.
Here's a green tip: Add the gunk you take out of your gutter to your compost pile.

3. Turn Off Outdoor Spigots
Don't wait until a sudden freeze to shut off the water to your outdoor spigots: Frozen water can burst your pipes and cause a world of water hurt in your home.
Turn off water valves, and then open all outdoor spigots to drain leftover water out.

4. Protect Outdoor Furniture
A harsh winter can wreck fabric on hammocks and outdoor furniture.
Haul furniture and patio umbrellas into the basement, or cover them with waterproof protectors.

5. Weather-strip and Caulk
While the weather is still warm, inspect your house for peeling weather-stripping and caulking, which will let in cold air and let out heated air in the winter.
Eyeball areas around windows and doors: If you see light around frames, then air is escaping. Fix the problem with a tube of caulk and fresh weather-stripping.
Also, make sure door sweeps are in good condition: If not, remove and replace.

6. Furnace Maintenance
Don't wait for the first frost to call your HVAC professional to give your furnace a pre-winter checkup. He will inspect and, if necessary, clean the blower, evaporator coil, burner assembly and the duct work.

At the very least, clean or replace air filters, and remove dust from room registers.

7. Prepare Your Fireplace
If you use your wood-burning fireplace often, clean and inspect it every year. Make sure the flue is working properly and that fire screens and doors are in good condition.
You should cut and stack enough wood to last through the winter, or order more from a local supplier.

To protect your home and ensure your comfort during cold weather, complete your winterizing projects before the first frost.

Article Source : Chores To Get Your Home Ready For Winter_120248.aspx

Author Resource :
Home renovation contractors

Keywords : Home renovation contractors,

Category : Home and Family : Home and Family

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