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Lou Alloro has 6 Published Articles

United States of America,
Bonded Waterproofing Systems,
65 Woodbine Street

5 Myths About Basement Waterproofing Debunked

Posted On : May-04-2017 | seen (894) times | Article Word Count : 413 |

With frequent occurrences of water leakage in basements, homeowners have become dependent on professional basement waterproofing services in NJ. However, there are several misconceptions making the rounds about basement waterproofing.
With frequent occurrences of water leakage in basements, homeowners have become dependent on professional basement waterproofing services in NJ. However, there are several misconceptions making the rounds about basement waterproofing. Here are 5 myths debunked for you.

Myth 1: Water leakages happen even after waterproofing is done

Fact: If the basement waterproofing process isn’t done in the intended manner, you can be sure to witness water leakages. Sometimes, the contractor will only fix one side of the basement and leave the other, therefore creating problems down the road. When the problem is handled by an experienced professional, consider it solved.

Myth 2: There is only one system that can fix basement water leakage

Fact: This is in fact the most common misconceptions about basement waterproofing. Different methods are adopted by a contractor to fix the problem in different jobsites. To be precise, there are multiple approaches for doing the job and achieving the same results.

Myth 3: Black tar paint would suffice to fix the problem for good

Fact: A waterproof paint or a black tar is applied onto the foundation, but it is not meant for waterproofing. If you are bringing a new addition to your home or doing some construction work for your property and the contractor says that a black paint can waterproof the foundation, be informed that it’s just a myth. Waterproofing systems operate in conjunction with other elements to prevent leakage and drive water to a different direction, in case it gets in.

Myth 4: Basement Waterproofing is too expensive

Fact: Since the situation for every home is different, the quotes or estimates for each of them will also be distinct from each other. It all comes down to the scope of the work and the extent caused by water leakage. All you need is to deal with a professional basement waterproofing contractor who can accurately assess the situation and offer a cost effective service.

Myth 5: Basement Waterproofing Services never look back after the repair is done

Fact: The industry is very different today and there are several companies out there that go above and beyond to offer satisfactory service for their clients. Basement waterproofing services are no exception. Choose a company wisely, after researching their past services, their reputation, and licensing and you’ll make a good choice.

If you identify a water leakage problem in your basement, contact the waterproofing experts in NJ today!

Article Source : Myths About Basement Waterproofing Debunked_320607.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is a licensed basement waterproofing expert in NJ having an experience of more than 4 years. He debunks some of the common myths about basement waterproofing in NJ. Visit

Keywords : waterproofing services in NJ, waterproofing experts in NJ, waterproofing expert in NJ, waterproofing in NJ,

Category : Business : Business

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