3 Reasons to Cook with Beans
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It is funny how often people overlook beans as a nutritious food source. They are unfairly criticized, viewed as simple low cost alternatives to better, tastier and healthier food choices. Well, nothing really could be further from the truth. In fact, beans just may be nature’s most perfect food. Research shows that, in addition to adding savory and flavorful taste to any entree, these tasty little members of the legume family are high in fiber, virtually fat free, have no cholesterol, and a
If you will pardon the pun – bean recipes seem to be sprouting up everywhere. All around the globe, beans have found there way into a wide array of dishes and entrees; and for good reason. Beans are a healthy option, they can be used in a variety of ways, and they are easy on the wallet. So, whether you are tossing a hearty salad, mixing up a flavorful dip, putting the finishing touches on a full entrée, or even concocting a delicious desert, there is a good chance that the recipe calls for a cup or two of beans.
A Healthy Option
Of course, the question becomes, “why wouldn’t you include these tiny taste bud pleasing morsels.” Meals that include beans are lower in fat, contain less cholesterol, and are higher in nutrients, such as, fiber, protein, iron and folic acid; making beans not only the tasty choice, but also the smart and healthy option.
A Variety of Options
Still, even with all their health benefits, perhaps the most surprising news is about the variety of dishes that have beans listed as a main ingredient. Many people already include them as a staple in their chilies, soups and dips; but, the long list of bean recipes does not stop there. What about trying any one of these delectable entrees: bean and shrimp risotto, double decker quesadillas, or a spicy black bean burger. You can even finish this meal off with a mouth watering piece of Idaho Bean Fudge, or a slice of Idaho Bean Cake. Yes, the list of savory bean recipes just goes on and on.
vDollar Stretching
Now, if you are still looking for a reason to include a list of bean recipes into your rotation of healthy meal options, consider the price. You will be hard pressed to find a more economical ingredient. In fact there are a few types of beans that cost only a few pennies per pound; and considering that these little guys are packed full of all sorts of healthy nutrients, there simply is nothing on the market that can compare to the price of beans.
So, whether it is a black bean, garbanzo bean, or chili bean, consider adding these delicious and nutrient filled powerhouses to your next meal. Your taste buds, and your waist line, will thank you for it.
For more information on the benefits and uses of beans, including delicious and tasty bean recipes, please visit swbeans.com.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_3 Reasons to Cook with Beans_32855.aspx
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If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of beans, as well as learning a few creative and tasty healthy bean recipes, please visit www.swbeans.com.
Keywords :
Bean Recipes, Cook with Beans,
Category :
Health and Fitness
Health and Fitness