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SamJacob Thomas has 2 Published Articles

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3 Must-Have Tools for Power Quality Monitoring at Your Facility

Posted On : Feb-02-2012 | seen (120) times | Article Word Count : 429 |

Food, clothing and shelter are the necessity for human survival. Similarly, for an industrial plant to function properly, the basic requirements are raw material, power and human resource. Power plays a huge role for any production unit and hence, must be supplied constantly without glitches, and it should be of good quality.
Food, clothing and shelter are the necessity for human survival. Similarly, for an industrial plant to function properly, the basic requirements are raw material, power and human resource. Power plays a huge role for any production unit and hence, must be supplied constantly without glitches, and it should be of good quality.

It can be measured by understanding the interaction between electricity and equipments used. If the machine is operating at its optimum level without damage or stress, it means that the power is of good quality. In contrast, if the equipment is slowly deteriorating or has malfunctions, it is possible that one of the main reasons is poor quality of electricity supplied.

This is possible due to various reasons like a surge or a break in the supply, high frequency noise, waveshape faults, total loss of electricity, etc. and it adversely affects the machines used. These issues also cause a fall in productivity, as there is considerable amount of time spent on regaining the power, restarting the machine, etc. In some cases, it is possible that the equipments used may be completely damaged, or worse the entire wiring of the facility needs replacement. To avoid these situations you need power quality monitoring tools mentioned below.

Power Quality Recorder
Firstly, you need a device that records every change in the power. A power quality recorder helps store all the information regarding the irregularities in the supply. This data is used for estimating the problem in the quality and flow of power.

Disturbance Analyzer
This device helps you in troubleshooting for single, double and three-phase power facility. Contrary to the recorder, it helps get to the root cause of malfunction of the equipment and aid predictive maintenance. It also identifies the malfunctions caused in the machines, due to power, and provides a solution for the same. Besides this, the disturbance analyzer is known to validate the compatibility of power before installation, as well as verify the loading capacity of the electrical systems.
Power Quality Loggers

Some facilities need a specialized device to keep monitoring and checking for the energy consumption testing and load studies. The power quality logger carries out the same function. In addition to this, it aids in the assessment and improvement of quantity consumption and ways to reduce it.

If the technician uses these three devices, that is, the recorder, analyzer and logger; in your facility, there is very less chances of power related errors. You can ensure good quality power supply and thus, protect your expensive equipments.

Article Source : Must-Have Tools for Power Quality Monitoring at Your Facility_142683.aspx

Author Resource :
Power Meters and test tools including power quality clamp meters are used for frontline troubleshooting. power factor monitoring can be used for predictive maintenance, quality of service compliance testing and load studies.

Keywords : power quality monitoring, power quality recorder, disturbance analyzer, Power Meters, power factor monitoring,

Category : Business : Business

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