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1st Rafting Adventure Philippines: Offering the Best White Water Rafting Adventure

Posted On : Jul-06-2011 | seen (404) times | Article Word Count : 376 |

Cagayan de Oro City --- what was only previously known as The City of Golden Friendship now holds the title White Water Rafting Capital of the Philippines. Although the sport had only started gaining popularity during the last five years or so, it was back in mid-1970s when Kagay-anons first discovered the thrills of white water rafting. Cagayan de Oro is conveniently located amidst a network of mighty rivers flowing from the highlands of Bukidnon and other neighboring provinces in Misamis Orien
Cagayan de Oro City --- what was only previously known as The City of Golden Friendship now holds the title White Water Rafting Capital of the Philippines. Although the sport had only started gaining popularity during the last five years or so, it was back in mid-1970s when Kagay-anons first discovered the thrills of white water rafting. Cagayan de Oro is conveniently located amidst a network of mighty rivers flowing from the highlands of Bukidnon and other neighboring provinces in Misamis Oriental. The city boasts of some of the country’s best white water rafting rivers. The strong rapids of the rivers are very ideal for this adventure water sport, a fact that 1st Rafting Adventure didn’t fail to promote.

A lot of local and national media and well-known sports enthusiasts have already featured white water rafting Cagayan de Oro in sports-oriented television shoes, magazines and newspapers. Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo even tried out the sport herself—and absolutely loved it.

Local and foreign tourists have already enjoyed the excitement, fun, and the one-of-a-kind nature adventure that one can only get with white water rafting. CdO has not been called the City of Golden Friendship for nothing too. The celebrated friendliness and hospitality of the Kagay-anons are evident in the high degree attentiveness and expert guidance of their very friendly, funny and entertaining rafting guides.

Speaking of their adventure guides, these guys are all well-trained under the guidance of the International Rafting Federation (IRF) and well-versed about white water rafting Safety and Standards rules. Annual trainings on CPR and first-aid are conducted for them by the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC).

1st Rafting Adventure offers guided tours on a Beginners’ Course, two Advance Courses and an Expert Course.

Speaking of their adventure guides, these guys are all well-trained under the guidance of the International Rafting Federation (IRF) and well-versed about white water rafting Safety and Standards rules. Annual trainings on CPR and first-aid are conducted for them by the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC).

With 1st Rafting Adventure Philippines, tourists will get so much more than just viewing and taking pictures of Cagayan de Oro’s fiercest white water rafting rivers --- they get to ride with it!

Article Source : Rafting Adventure Philippines: Offering the Best White Water Rafting Adventure _65263.aspx

Author Resource :
Miakah likes to write about water rafting

Keywords : white water rafting,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Destinations

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