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‘What’s Your Name, What’s Your Number?’

Posted On : Oct-02-2011 | seen (353) times | Article Word Count : 480 |

Make no mistake gentlemen, the Three Days to Call rule that has been so popular with menfolk over the years
Make no mistake gentlemen, the Three Days to Call rule that has been so popular with menfolk over the years (rumoured to date back to Jesus – 3 days? Sound like a familiar timeframe?) isn’t going to cut it if you’re looking to woo a London lass. London girls have exceptionally high standards in regard to life, and their interactions with the opposite sex are no exception. If you think waiting to call a London girl is going to fly, you are very likely to end up alone and dateless. These London girls expect a phone call, and you need to make that call to have a shot at moving from the phone to the pillows! This is a guide to get you through the tricky first step to bliss!

It’s not always the easiest thing to call girls. Firstly, you need to make sure that you have the right number. All too often there’ll be a digit missing, or you’ll find the number leads straight to the Rejection Hotline (an all-too-true hotline which exists for the express purpose of dousing the flames of your ardour). A good idea is to call the girl as soon as you get her number while you are still with her. Say you’re just checking you’ve put it in your phone correctly. If her phone doesn’t ring, don’t bother. This girl isn’t interested, and you really don’t want to waste your time on a girl who doesn’t recognise your talents and killer personality! Cut this one loose and move on to a girl who’ll appreciate you straight away!

Once you’ve secured their number, it’s important to call girls the following day. Three days is a time frame that is just too short. She will assume that you are not interested enough to pursue her immediately, or that you are into playing games. Neither of these are the impression you want to give! London girls know that a following day follow-up signifies genuine interest and a desire to get to know her which supersedes your masculine training. A phone call is a must – a text will not do. Your personality doesn’t get a chance to shine, and the time periods between messages lend themselves to doubt and suspicion that you may be creating messages which reflect the man you wish to be regarded as, rather than the man you are.

So call. Not before 9am (10am on weekends) or after 9pm. Ask how she has been, say how you enjoyed meeting her and express your interest in seeing her again. It might not be the easiest conversation in the world, especially if you’re normally a shy kind of guy, but London girls appreciate the call, and will give you extra points for having the confidence to ring them. Gentlemen, start your mobiles! It’s time to ring in your new relationship!

Article Source :‘What’s Your Name, What’s Your Number?’_87969.aspx

Author Resource :
Allister Charles is a professional and qualified writer, whose articles include a variety of topics like Heathrow Escort . With a passion for travel, her pieces often feature city guides, and often focus on the city of London. Find more information on Call Girls in London .

Keywords : escorts london, call girls in London,

Category : Business : Customer Service

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