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United Kingdom,
3-7 Herbal Hill,
3-7 Herbal Hill

£25000 Unsecured Loans - No Need to Risk Your Property

Posted On : Sep-24-2010 | seen (1157) times | Article Word Count : 308 |

£25000 Unsecured loans provide you finance ranging up to £25000. You have a considerable time for repayment. These advances are very beneficial especially to bad credit holders, tenants and non- homeowners as you are not obliged to pledge any property as security.
Sometimes you need loans but you do not want to offer any collateral or rather do not have collateral to pledge. Well do not worry about these things so much as every question has an answer. £25000 unsecured loans is your solution.

These loans as the mane suggest are unsecured in nature. This means that you do not have to place any security for the loan you borrow. Thus you do not risk your property. However this does increase the lenders risk in dealing with you as his risk is not backed by any pledged collateral. This means his risk is not safeguarded. As a result of this these advances carry a high rate of interest.

These advances grant you finance amount ranging up to £25000. That is a big amount and can be utilized for varied reasons like to purchase a car, house, for wedding expenditures, car repair and medical emergencies, to arrange for a trip and so on.

Besides you have a considerably long repayment period of 1- 10 years. You can easily repay the credit amount in time. Moreover this will help you consolidate your debts in the long run.


• You must attain citizenship of UK with a minimum of at least 8 years of age.
• You must possess a valid bank account
• You should have a fixed job with a minimum salary of at least £1000

These advances can also be obtained through the online mode. It is a very simple procedure and barely consumes any of your time. These advances are a great help to all. In addition if you use this mode of application you can also increase your options and apply for one that suites your requirements. Accessing the internet makes things really simple. You just have to explore the online market.

Article Source :£25000 Unsecured Loans - No Need to Risk Your Property_34529.aspx

Author Resource :
Bonnie Castle is financial adviser for Online Loanss. click on the links to know more about £25000 unsecured loans, unsecured loans bad credit, tenant loans and small loans no credit check.

Keywords : £25000 unsecured loans, small loans no credit check, tenant loans,

Category : Finance : Loans

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