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600 Top Engineering Colleges in India Aim to Develop Great Technical Talents
India keeps on nurturing a huge pool of technical talents that believe in out-of-the-box thinking to bring revolutions in the technology sector. The credit for producing such creative brains time and again must go to the top engineering colleges in India. read more...
By Sanjay Joshi | Jul-08-2010 | College

461 Fractional Ownership
More and more people are realizing that the best solution for owning a second property is Fractional Ownership. read more...
By Jaco Jordaan | Jul-08-2010 | Real Estate

280 Cisco Certification for Employees is a Plus for Your Company
Every company depends on its computer network and it must be in the hands of certified employees, watching over the system. The company management should motivate the workers to take CCNA training and cisco training leading into cisco certification. With untrained staff, the cost of bringing in outsiders is even more costly and expensive. The investment in your employees' education benefits much to your company. read more...
By George Batey | Jul-08-2010 | Reference and Education

551 Recover Photos from Damaged Memory Card
If you have lost your priceless collection of photos and worried about recovering them back because you do not have backup of those photos then your worries have reached to the end. You have reached to the place where you will find an excellent and easiest way to recover the lost photos. After reading the article, permanently deleted photos can also be recovered from your memory card, computer hard disk, and USB drive. read more...
By Submit Tool | Jul-08-2010 | Data Recovery

703 Make Room for Love
Is a previous relationship preventing you from dating and finding new love? Stop letting that ex block you from moving forward with these seven tips. read more...
By Amanda V | Jul-08-2010 | Society

388 Get Close To Nature - Go On An African Safari
The best way to explore the wild side of nature is to go on an African Safari. read more...
By Jimmy Gracie | Jul-08-2010 | Travel Tips

631 Dating Advice Operation: You
How to work on yourself and in return be more interesting to women read more...
By Daren | Jul-14-2010 | Dating

507 Refilling laser inkjet toners in a convenient way
There are several reasons that make it a good choice to purchase toner refill kits for laser printers. The biggest advantage of refill kits is that they are very cost effective and easy to use. read more...
By Smit Mathur | Jul-08-2010 | Hardware

464 Tag the Name
Haven’t you often wondered how embarrassing it is, when you are with a group of people who have gathered for the very first time and have to speak to each other, but don’t know their names? Doesn’t matter if you are an outgoing person, and can introduce yourself every time and ask for the other person’s name. read more...
By Chris Jensenn | Jul-08-2010 | Advertising

403 Types of surgeries and their uses
Plastic surgery as the name suggests is a surgical specialty, which alters the way an individual's body feel or look. The term plastic surgery is derived from the Greek word "Plastikos" that means to impart, mold or give form. Plastic surgery is very common nowadays because it has given many people the moral boost to look better than they are. read more...
By Tejinder Bhatti | Jul-08-2010 | Beauty

496 What are simple ways to pass a hair test
The simple ways and tricks to pass a hair drug test is described in this article. read more...
By Flaming777 | Jul-08-2010 | Medicine

643 Nail care essentials
Everybody gets blackheads and whiteheads on their faces. The most traditional way to remove them is the using of a facial scrub. But with the improved technology, there are devices which have been invented to help in the many beauty treatments that take place everyday. One such device is the blackhead extractor. However, one has to be very careful while using this machine as it might lead to bleeding of the skin if he is careless. read more...
By Andrew Hudson | Jul-08-2010 | Fashion

473 Versace sunglasses-stylish shades for a fashionable look
Synonymous with celebrities and the glamour world, Versace sunglasses are popular for their luxurious designs and optimal functionality. Today, a fashionable person is identified by the accessories he or she flaunts and with designer sunglasses such as Versace, making a hot style statement is surely the easiest of things to do. read more...
By Stuart Wallace | Jul-08-2010 | Fashion

255 Ottawa Landscaping Elements
Ottawa landscaping is the art of beautifying the external appearance of one’s home and yard combined with functional elements to make efficient use of the yard’s extra space as well as having elements that adapt to the various and sometimes the extreme weather conditions of Ottawa read more...
By lomotbiz | Jul-08-2010 | Home and Family

354 Wedding Dresses: The Couture Difference
Saunter down the aisle in a wedding dress that not only looks fabulous on you, but also is from the height of fashion.ceremony is often a very formal affair with long stretching traditions, read more...
By Henry Mazza | Jul-08-2010 | Fashion

336 Unique Wedding Dress Features that Really Stand Out
On your wedding day, it’s only natural to want to look and feel your very best. Although the wedding ceremony is often a very formal affair with long stretching traditions, read more...
By Henry Mazza | Jul-08-2010 | Fashion

774 How to Choose Fishing Lures
Whether you’re an experienced fisherman or a beginner, it’s important to make sure you use the correct type of lure. Fishing lures are attached to your fishing line in place of bait. read more...
By Lisa Santora | Jul-08-2010 | Fishing

749 62cm Galileo thermometers -- Beautiful Decorative Items
The 34cm and 62cm Galileo thermometers are used to check the temperature variation. The principle applied in both these thermometers is the same, the density of liquid changes with temperature. They also make great decorative pieces. To know more about these types of thermometers, continue reading. read more...
By mattdowrite | Jul-08-2010 | Science

591 Decorate Your House Using Attractive and Modern Galileo Thermometers
Galileo thermometers have gained extreme popularity from the period it emerged. However, the reason behind their fame and popularity has experienced an immense change. Various types of thermometers have emerged nowadays, among which 18cm Galileo thermometers are one. This article explains the features exhibited by the thermometers invented by Galileo. read more...
By mattdowrite | Jul-08-2010 | Science

334 Six High Fashion Wedding Dresses for Modern Brides
You’re standing at the chapel doors, waiting for your moment to begin walking down the aisle on your wedding day. read more...
By Henry Mazza | Jul-07-2010 | Fashion

395 Important Considerations for Outdoor Weddings
If you are planning an outdoor wedding, congratulations! Outdoor weddings are scenic, romantic, and beautiful. read more...
By Henry Mazza | Jul-07-2010 | Weddings

450 Exercise Is the Health Assistant for Women
Health is important. How to keep your body healthy in daily life? Exercise can help you a lot. For women, it is necessary to do some exercise at free time. read more...
By Keely Smith | Jul-07-2010 | Health and Fitness

707 NFL Football Betting For First-Time Gamblers
If you have always been fascinated with gambling but never tried your hand at NFL football betting, then try it now. read more...
By Katharine Gillespie | Jul-07-2010 | Recreation and Sports

722 San Diego Attractions-A Vacationer's Paradise
San Diego attractions provide immense opportunity to a traveler or a vacationer to indulge. San Diego is a sunny land with mild weather throughout the year. read more...
By karinarledge88 | Jul-07-2010 | Travel Tips

491 African Safari
Work and work life has taken a severe toll on you and your personal life. You need a sabbatical and you exercise your options - searching for destinations, itineraries, and so on. read more...
By Jimmy Haha | Jul-07-2010 | Travel Tips