Fashion-Forward Feminism - Start the Ladylike Revolution Now
When it comes to style, we are often presented with two options; girlie or androgynous. However, there is a way to combine the two, so strap on your diamante shoes and get ready to pack a punch. read more...
By Carrie Butler | Jun-03-2013 | Fashion
Create Your Environment For Aging Gracefully
The Golden Years is what retirement has been called, but are they really so golden if you must to leave your home because it no longer meets your needs? read more...
By Mike Avis | Jun-03-2013 | Home and Family
How to Protect Your Dog from Skin Disorders
Dog skin problems can be bracketed underneath a variety of different disorders and, as such, it can be somewhat tricky to correctly identify exactly what kind of skin problem may be affecting your dog. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets
Dog Mange: a Rather Sore Subject
The word ‘mange’ has its etymological root in the French word ‘mangene’ which translates into English to mean ‘itching’. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets
Protecting Your Pooches Skin is as Important as Feeding Him Daily
From the day your little puppy is born he is susceptible to all sorts of health issues. For the most part, dogs will lead very healthy lives and will be around long enough for their owners to become incredibly close to them. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets
If Your Dog Has a Problem, Should You See a Vet?
This is possibly one of the biggest issues many pet owners have. Not all of us are blessed with the ability to take out insurance for our pets and although anyone who has a dog or cat will do everything.. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets
The Problems Associated With Bathing Your Dog
Unfortunately, dogs aren’t dexterous enough to wash their own hair – let alone walk themselves down to the shops and make an over the counter purchase or buy dog shampoo online. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-02-2013 | Pets
Avoid Making These Common Direct Mail Mistakes
Dentists, Orthodontists and others within the dental industry frequently rely on direct mailing to reach new customers and to stay connected to current ones. However, it you may have started a campaign but seen no real results and may be disappointed in the lack of new leads or customer contact. read more...
By Greg Sands | Jun-01-2013 | Business
The Importance of Bringing Young Animals in for Vet Check Ups
When one first buys or adopts a cat or dog there are many points to consider. A person needs to decide which type of pet would best fit one’s lifestyle. It’s important to consider and consult other family members to try and predict how they would interact with the pet. read more...
By Dan King | Jun-01-2013 | Pets
Top Six Awesome Thank You Gifts for Your Employees
Holidays are back and this is the right time for gift-giving. But do you have any idea on thank you gifts? What you have to gift your employees? No, then keep reading. read more...
By Robert Stillman | Jun-01-2013 | Business
InFocus Launches Touchscreen PC for Education and Business Markets
Innovation continues to ramp up all across the digital signage industry. From 3D illumination to large-scale projections, manufacturers are taking digital signage capabilities to new heights. read more...
By Julie Solomon | May-31-2013 | Business
Which Sunscreens are Safest for Children?
Pools all around the country are now open for the summer. Along with going to the pool, you may also be headed for your local parks, the zoo, and more of your favorite spots with your children. read more...
By Fletcher Rich | May-31-2013 | Business
More ProloGel and Dr. Rosen 2013 Speaking Engagements Announced
Recently we shared with you about several speaking engagements that Dr. Howard Rosen has been booked for in early 2013. read more...
By Howard Rosen | May-31-2013 | Health and Fitness
Casio America Introduces Stacked High Brightness Image System
There were numerous announcements that came out of the Consumer Electronic Show 2013 and the Digital Signage 2013 show in Las Vegas included some new innovations from Casio America. read more...
By Julie Solomon | May-31-2013 | Business
Ecofriendly Carpet and Flooring Services
Parents who have small kids need to understand the environment in which your kids are being exposed. Something that is as simple as carpet and flooring your home might lead to a few threats to kids. read more...
By Carl Nunez | May-30-2013 | Home Improvement
Buying Guide for Corbels
Are you planning to purchase corbels for your house? If yes, then remember there are large numbers of factors that should be considered while doing so. Corbels are available in different colors, sizes and styles. read more...
By Jason Tierney | May-30-2013 | Business
Reasons to Hire a Tampa Dumpster Rental Service
From construction waste, to things like class III debris, asbestos, roofing debris, tire debris, asphalt, concrete, metals, cardboard, even vegetative debris; our lives, work and world are constantly full of trash and waste materials. read more...
By Christopher Brown | May-30-2013 | Business
How to Install House Fencing
The main purpose of installing fencing is to enclose a specific area and making it different from the others. Moreover, fences help to add security to their houses, sports events, grounds and construction area. read more...
By Chris Himel | May-30-2013 | Business
Buy Probiotics - Where To Look For Quality Probiotic Products
Before you buy probiotics, it's wisest to understand exactly what symptoms and conditions are you are seeking to alleviate and knowing which specific strain of probiotics will help to provide relief from those symptoms. read more...
By Andrev Behling | May-30-2013 | Health and Fitness
Finding the Best Bowel Movements Supplements
Improving digestive and intestinal issues with bowel movements supplements is a simple task, but it does require you to take the time to determine the right supplements that work well in resolving irregular bowel movements and blood in bowel movements. read more...
By Andrev Behling | May-30-2013 | Health and Fitness
There Is Demand For Lancaster, PA Web Design
Lancaster, Pennsylvania is one of the most interesting cities in the country to examine. It is a place where technology companies are moving into the area to take advantage of a growing base of technically skilled employees. read more...
By Kenneth Huerta | May-30-2013 | Web Design
Enjoy Amish Made Furniture In Your Home
When a group of people is dedicated to a way of life, they develop skills that can be useful to people all over the country. read more...
By Adam Roda | May-30-2013 | Home and Family
Laptop Screens: The Face of Laptops
It’s the face of an Individual that set an ideology in the mind of frontier and plays a major role to represent your dynamics towards the society. read more...
By Henry Ofodieze | May-30-2013 | Hardware
Enjoy The Spas In Lancaster, PA
People who have never visited Lancaster, PA do not realize the immense amount of interesting resources there are in the area. There are reasons why the Amish people chose to settle in the Lancaster area and most of those reasons have to do with the abundant natural resources that can be found. read more...
By Lewis Bustos | May-30-2013 | Travel and Leisure
Protect Your Servers With The G36WM Cabinet
When it comes to your servers, you never want to take any chances. A server case needs to have an innovative design and be made by a company with years of manufacturing experience. read more...
By Joe Wertz | May-30-2013 | Business