Featured Articles

1124 The New Morality
Western society in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has experienced major changes in prevailing moral standards. How can the church properly relate to people who are living in ways that violate the clear commands of scripture? read more...
By Philip Herr | Jun-06-2013 | Society

1172 Are Your Dreams Faith or Fantasy?
Every person who has normal health and mental function probably also has hopes and dreams for the future. But how can we know that what we hope for is reality or a fantasy? read more...
By Philip Herr | Jun-06-2013 | Society

1056 Stop Dreaming and Do It Now!
Has the Lord given you a great dream? Are you planning to someday begin the process? What are you waiting for? read more...
By Philip Herr | Jun-06-2013 | Society

1079 Things to Know Before Purchasing Hurricane Shutters
Hurricane shutters are regarded as the best shutter that can protect your home in a storm. There are several important things that you should ask a company that installs shutters at your home. read more...
By Ryan Hammers | Jun-05-2013 | Business

798 Different types of Hurricane Shutters Jacksonville
If you have purchased a home in a zone which is hurricane prone, then you should take all measures possible to keep it protected. The best way to do this is by installing hurricane shutters. read more...
By Ryan Hammers | Jun-05-2013 | Business

774 Designer Pergolas Jacksonville for Patio
A pergola comes with vertical and supporting posts with rafters all across the top. Generally, these are flat and open, running at the regular intervals horizontally over the structure and are supported by the side rafters. read more...
By Ryan Hammers | Jun-05-2013 | Business

1015 The Best Option in Tampa Junk Removal Services
Finding a company you can trust when in need of junk removal services and roll off dumpster rental can be a daunting and frustrating task. read more...
By Christopher Brown | Jun-05-2013 | Business

817 The Benefits of Renting a Lakeland Roll Off Dumpster
What if you found out that there was a quick, easy and affordable service that would make your job substantially easier? What if you found that you had to do virtually nothing to utilize this service? read more...
By Christopher Brown | Jun-05-2013 | Business

2294 What is PrivyMo?
Have you heard of PrivyMo yet? You may not have and are probably wondering what it is. PrivyMo is a mobile app that enables users to make FREE mobile phone to mobile phone calls and video calls. read more...
By Heine Nzumafo | Jun-05-2013 | Communications

2481 Are Fashion and Fur Meant to be Together? The Debate Rages On
The issue of whether or not fur should be used in fashion collections has been debated for decades and is likely to continue being a topic of contention. read more...
By Carrie Butler | Jun-03-2013 | Fashion

1721 Ways to Glam up Your Outfit for a Special Occasion
When you are planning your outfit for a special occasion, it is important to look and feel a lot more at your very best. read more...
By Carrie Butler | Jun-03-2013 | Fashion

1860 Essential Wardrobe Pieces for the Workplace
It is not standard to wear a uniform to work these days and as such, it can sometimes be a struggle to decide what to wear every day, especially if you want to alternate your look a little. read more...
By Carrie Butler | Jun-03-2013 | Fashion

1701 Right Here, Right Now: Fierce Trends from the Future
With a new set of summer trends arriving in shops in the coming months, the high street collections are set to be covetable. read more...
By Carrie Butler | Jun-03-2013 | Fashion

1587 Successful Clothes Shopping on a Tight Budget
If you love to shop for clothes but don’t quite have the budget to stretch, it can be quite depressing when the new lines of stylish outfits hit the shelves. read more...
By Carrie Butler | Jun-03-2013 | Fashion

1141 Fashion-Forward Feminism - Start the Ladylike Revolution Now
When it comes to style, we are often presented with two options; girlie or androgynous. However, there is a way to combine the two, so strap on your diamante shoes and get ready to pack a punch. read more...
By Carrie Butler | Jun-03-2013 | Fashion

9559 Create Your Environment For Aging Gracefully
The Golden Years is what retirement has been called, but are they really so golden if you must to leave your home because it no longer meets your needs? read more...
By Mike Avis | Jun-03-2013 | Home and Family

1720 How to Protect Your Dog from Skin Disorders
Dog skin problems can be bracketed underneath a variety of different disorders and, as such, it can be somewhat tricky to correctly identify exactly what kind of skin problem may be affecting your dog. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets

1857 Dog Mange: a Rather Sore Subject
The word ‘mange’ has its etymological root in the French word ‘mangene’ which translates into English to mean ‘itching’. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets

1737 Protecting Your Pooches Skin is as Important as Feeding Him Daily
From the day your little puppy is born he is susceptible to all sorts of health issues. For the most part, dogs will lead very healthy lives and will be around long enough for their owners to become incredibly close to them. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets

1474 If Your Dog Has a Problem, Should You See a Vet?
This is possibly one of the biggest issues many pet owners have. Not all of us are blessed with the ability to take out insurance for our pets and although anyone who has a dog or cat will do everything.. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-03-2013 | Pets

1257 The Problems Associated With Bathing Your Dog
Unfortunately, dogs aren’t dexterous enough to wash their own hair – let alone walk themselves down to the shops and make an over the counter purchase or buy dog shampoo online. read more...
By Richard Hawkins | Jun-02-2013 | Pets

907 Avoid Making These Common Direct Mail Mistakes
Dentists, Orthodontists and others within the dental industry frequently rely on direct mailing to reach new customers and to stay connected to current ones. However, it you may have started a campaign but seen no real results and may be disappointed in the lack of new leads or customer contact. read more...
By Greg Sands | Jun-01-2013 | Business

1438 The Importance of Bringing Young Animals in for Vet Check Ups
When one first buys or adopts a cat or dog there are many points to consider. A person needs to decide which type of pet would best fit one’s lifestyle. It’s important to consider and consult other family members to try and predict how they would interact with the pet. read more...
By Dan King | Jun-01-2013 | Pets

792 Top Six Awesome Thank You Gifts for Your Employees
Holidays are back and this is the right time for gift-giving. But do you have any idea on thank you gifts? What you have to gift your employees? No, then keep reading. read more...
By Robert Stillman | Jun-01-2013 | Business

1051 InFocus Launches Touchscreen PC for Education and Business Markets
Innovation continues to ramp up all across the digital signage industry. From 3D illumination to large-scale projections, manufacturers are taking digital signage capabilities to new heights. read more...
By Julie Solomon | May-31-2013 | Business