GSA purchasing - Why you should obtain a GSA schedule?
Companies that sell products and services are always looking for new customers. But there is one segment of customers who are hard to reach, and these are the government buyers who need products and services for use at federal, state or local level. read more...
By Matt Dore | Apr-09-2014 | Finance
Polished Concrete: Outshines All Other Flooring Options
Concrete floors are often considered as utilitarian option suitable for garage and factories but not for your sweet home. read more...
By Ben Lagger | Apr-09-2014 | Home Improvement
Does Hard or Soft Water Really Matter?
One big subject of conversations among homeowners for quite some time is the topic of hard and soft water. You may think that water is water but, the simple truth is that not all tap water is the same across the country. read more...
By John Vasquez | Apr-08-2014 | Home Improvement
How to Avoid Bad Tenants
An empty house is better than a bad tenant- says an Irish proverb! Horror stories about landlords having to deal with damage and repairs caused by unruly tenants are everywhere. read more...
By Susan Burris | Apr-08-2014 | Real Estate
Why Should You Hire a Property Management Company
Property managers may seem an old fashioned choice in a world dominated by Craigslist and eBay, but they’re certainly worth hiring considering the legal landmine that novice landlords may unwittingly step into. read more...
By Susan Burris | Apr-08-2014 | Real Estate
Coupons and Direct Mail Are a Great Match
Even if you normally have a pretty decent response rate on your direct mail, you are most likely looking to improve your response rate to your next direct mail campaign. read more...
By Greg Sands | Apr-08-2014 | Business
The Mounting Whitefly Problem
They look harmless, like just your run of the mill tiny white moth you can ignore, but if you have paid any attention at all to the news over the last few years, you know that these pests are so much more than that. read more...
By Steve Lum | Apr-07-2014 | Home and Family
What are the Stages of Learning to Spell?
Most parents are looking to give their children an edge in learning and helping your child learn to spell is one of those areas. Spelling is an essential early skill that you certainly want to encourage read more...
By Donald Plehn | Apr-07-2014 | Babies
Direct Mail Can Help Speed Up Your Slow Season
Almost every company no matter what the industry is has one season or another proves to be slower than all of the others. Overcoming this temporary slow-down is not always an easy task, either, but direct mail may be able to help. read more...
By Greg Sands | Apr-07-2014 | Business
Sunscreen Label Decoded
You have heard over and over again about the importance of slathering on a high spf sunscreen all over your body every single time you leave the house. read more...
By Fletcher Rich | Apr-07-2014 | Business
3 Types of Skin Cancer You Need to Be Familiar With
Skin cancer is very scary. And the idea that anyone can get skin cancer is even scarier, despite the fact that you probably do all you can with sun care products to protect your body. read more...
By Fletcher Rich | Apr-07-2014 | Business
Setting Healthy Goals for the Year
Of all the resolutions we make to each year, over half of them involve becoming healthier: eating better, losing weight, or adhering to specific diet, quitting (whatever bad habit you may have). read more...
By Dwight Knox | Apr-04-2014 | Health and Fitness
Organic IT Innovation
Have you ever wondered ‘what is innovation?’ Innovation can be a nebulous idea that is hard to pin down and can be expressed differently depending on the person. read more...
By Josette Van Stiphout | Apr-04-2014 | Internet Marketing
Commercial Integration Business Strategies Moving Forward
Recently, Commercial Integrator Magazine shared their findings from a survey of 72 commercial integrators and specifying consultants in its 2013 State of the Industry report on the commercial integration industry. read more...
By Julie Solomon | Apr-04-2014 | Business
Working Toward A Whole House Pest Management Program
No one wants bugs inside their home, but never having another pest inside your home is rather unrealistic. Trying to create a primarily pest free home, though, certainly is not out of the question. read more...
By Eric Richmond | Apr-03-2014 | Gardening
Technical Questions to be answered before Purchasing a Compressor?
Air Compressors are the most fundamental machines in air-run applications. Compressors are often regarded as the power-generators of air-tools because they run using the high-pressure air supplied by the compressor. read more...
By Alex Peterson | Apr-03-2014 | Marketing
Understanding the Economics of Signs
Signs are the most obvious requirement for any brick and mortar store. To reiterate this fact would be silly! But did you know that well designed signs can influence marketing and even drive profits? read more...
By Harry Landri | Apr-03-2014 | Business
Elements of Good Signage
Signs are a company’s silent sales personnel. They do their job 24x7 without asking for anything in return. A good signage doesn’t just help customers to identify a business; when done correctly, they can serve as the most effective form of advertising. read more...
By Harry Landri | Apr-02-2014 | Business
How Does Child Sponsorship Work
Some people may remember a fairly common commerical on the television from the 80s and 90s was actress Sally Struthers in front of the camera, with the camera panning an impoverished village in a developing nation. read more...
By NewLife Haiti | Apr-02-2014 | Society
Do Not Deal With Pests In Your Warehouse
Most discussions about pest control are centered around people’s residences but people’s places of business are at no less at risk from pest issues. read more...
By Jill Hopper | Apr-01-2014 | Gardening
Must Keep Cockroaches Out of Restaurants
Most people who go out to eat in restaurants never want to see any types of bugs where they are, but most will draw the line at cockroaches. read more...
By Fred Willey | Apr-01-2014 | Home and Family
How Important Is Wastewater Treatment
Waste water generally refers to any type of water that runs off from rain or snow and flows down the toilet or sinks to finally enter the drainage systems. Advance wastewater systems are now common in urban lives that processes waste water to make it suitable for reuse. read more...
By Jane Fenway | Apr-01-2014 | Home and Family
Top Tips for Cloud Back up
Cloud back up in Kansas City is the most powerful service to protect your valuable data. It not only secures your data but also makes it highly sharable over various mobile devices and geographical locations. read more...
By Drew Fenway | Apr-01-2014 | Business
The Debate about Robotics in Surgery
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (RALRP), commonly called da Vinci System isn’t a recent entrant to the cancer treatment realm. It was first introduced in 1997 to assist in cardiac surgery. read more...
By Pete Jameson | Apr-01-2014 | Health and Fitness
4 Common Cloud Back Up Questions That Trouble New Users
When you decide using the cloud back up services in Kansas City to protect your valuable data for the first time, you may have many questions. read more...
By Drew Fenway | Apr-01-2014 | Business