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Tarpon Fishing in Southwest Florida
The southwest region extends from Charlotte Harbor in the north to the famous Ten Thousand Islands in the south. It encompasses Charlotte, Lee, and Collier Counties. read more...
By Shannon Hoeckel | Sep-06-2011

Easy tips for catfishing in ponds
Catfishing is a hobby for most people and is fun for youngsters looking to spend their vacation or weekend. There are 3 main species of catfish and the most common of them is the Channel Catfish. read more...
By David Andrews | Aug-20-2011

Different types of catfishing baits
Catfish eat almost anything and they are generally scavengers. It is easy to catch this fish using any simple catfishing bait. read more...
By David Andrews | Aug-20-2011

Different types of catfishing rigs to catch your favorite fish
Fishing has always been a favorite pastime for people. A catfish rig is the way to bait the fish. read more...
By David Andrews | Aug-20-2011

Fish Kayak The Latest Fishing Trend
If you want to get a great workout in the great outdoors, then you should try kayak fishing. Many people are discovering the joys and benefits of kayak fishing. read more...
By Richard Spears | Jan-18-2011

764 Brugt Speedbåd---Not a Bad Idea, I Have Experienced It
The experience of using a Brugt speedbåd for having fun and thrill at the same time was really pleasant for me. I just want to share my soothing experience with my readers. read more...
By M. Brown | Apr-21-2010

763 Ways for fishing the Shark
Fishing is the action of catching fish. There are many techniques for catching the fish such as hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping. Shark fishing is considered as one of the most fun rewarding hobbies. read more...
By soniya gurg | Apr-08-2010

771 The best fishing Charters for Cod are the Kayman Charters
The best Cod Fishing charaters happens scarcely one and a half hours away from the coast line. The best time for cod is March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October. read more...
By soniya gurg | Apr-06-2010

792 Tuna fishing a common pass time for locals and Tourists alike in Massachusetts
Tuna fishing a common pass time for locals and Tourists alike in Massachusetts. Many enthusiasts come up especially during the Tune Fishing seasons as the tunas in this area are particularly delectable. read more...
By soniya gurg | Mar-26-2010

801 Fishing Charters New England
Fishing Charter companies big and small are available for all who are interested. Certain fishes like the Haddock and Cod are easier to fish to beginners should go for them. read more...
By soniya gurg | Mar-26-2010

867 Conquer the Vast Expanse of Blue Water with a Brugt Bådmotor
If a used Brugt bådmotor suffices your needs, why will fritter away money on a new purchase? People often get repelled by the idea of spending on second-hand items though several times they experience the poor performance of the spic and spun ones rolling out of the stables of the manufacturers. Taking care of some important factors is all that can make the buyers avert the risk of buying the pre owned items. read more...
By M. Brown | Mar-17-2010

1072 An Overview of Cod Fishing Charters
Deep sea fishing is also another feature which is interesting that the Cape Cod fishing charters provide. Adequate safety measures are implemented before going into this adventure. read more...
By soniya gurg | Feb-26-2010

914 Interesting Features of Fishing Charters MA
One can surely spend about a couple of days over here and enjoy viewing these dangerous beauties and even try fishing them. Classes are also held in the fishing charters in the MA for how to go about fishing in the charters and how to proceed in fishing the sharks. read more...
By soniya gurg | Feb-25-2010

1500 An overview of Striper Fishing Massachusetts
Striper fishing in Massachusetts also has gone to the extent that it is being taught as a course also by certain institutes across Massachusetts. There are also limits set to the fishing of the stripers to avoid it from being extinct in the Massachusetts. read more...
By soniya gurg | Feb-25-2010

1614 Best season for Cod fishing MA
MA fishing attracts thousands of anglers to Cape Cod fishing regions every year. It is surrounded by fertile fishing grounds and therefore it’s known as one of the top sport fishing vacation destination along the New England coast. read more...
By soniya gurg | Jan-21-2010

1046 Saltwater and Freshwater fishing charters Massachusetts
The Tuna hunters run their fishing charters in Massachusetts from April through November. The coastal areas that they run these fishing charters are out of Cape Ann Marina in Gloucester in Massachusetts. read more...
By soniya gurg | Jan-21-2010

1145 Keeping A Fishing Log
One of the toughest things about fishing is figuring out the best fishing techniques to use on various bodies of water, when, and also how to use them. There’s nothing more frustrating to a fisherman than getting out on the water and not catching anything. read more...
By FishingInformation | Nov-01-2009

964 Fishing social community
Get addicted to fishing social community and get fishing tips and information, know about places to fish and fishing charters etc. read more...
By Joseph Joe | Sep-15-2009

1965 Best Fishing Poles For Beginners
I just love to go fishing. A lot of people like to go fishing and I would say that it is a more popular sport/hobby than say hunting. There is no need for some noisy gun that requires bullets, all you need to go fishing is the proper pole,fishing line and lure/bait. read more...
By NiyazKazi | Jul-22-2009

1821 How To Pick A Fishing Rod
I really do love to go fishing. I do not get to go as often as I would like but I go often enough to be a experienced fisherman. It is too bad that we all do not have more time to just go out and fish from the shore or in a boat more often. In life we do have things that we have to do such as work and that comes first before pleasure. read more...
By NiyazKazi | Jul-22-2009

1726 Best Fly Fishing Poles For Beginners
I love to go fishing. There is just something fun about pulling in some animal out of the water and having dinner that night. Fishing is a very popular sport/hobby that a lot of people enjoy. There are several places you can fish, in the river,lakes or the ocean. In this article I will be talking about fresh water fishing in the rivers and streams. read more...
By NiyazKazi | Jul-21-2009

2009 Best Saltwater Rods
Do you love fishing? About everyone likes fishing whether you are a girl or a guy it does not matter. Fishing can be fun for anyone. I know I love to go fishing as much as I can. Things like work sure can cut in the time we have to go fishing but that is life. In this article I will be talking about saltwater fishing and the best rods for salt water fishing. I found out that I love salt water fishing. read more...
By NiyazKazi | Jul-21-2009