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How Dental Implants Can Help You Have A Better Smile?
Dentists place more number of dental implants each year, making them a popular and successful tooth replacement alternative. read more...
By Paul Pinho | Aug-13-2021

Know the Types of Orthodontic Problems
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on improving a patient's smile by straightening their teeth and jaw structure. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Jul-30-2021

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Decay
Tooth decay is one of the most common health problems in Australia, and it is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world. According to the Australian Dental Association, Over 90% of Australian adults have experienced tooth decay at some point in their lives.” read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Jul-24-2020

946 How Dental Implants Can Help You Have A Better Smile?
Dentists place more number of dental implants each year, making them a popular and successful tooth replacement alternative. read more...
By Paul Pinho | Aug-13-2021

892 Know the Types of Orthodontic Problems
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on improving a patient's smile by straightening their teeth and jaw structure. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Jul-30-2021

1137 Signs and Symptoms of Dental Decay
Tooth decay is one of the most common health problems in Australia, and it is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world. According to the Australian Dental Association, Over 90% of Australian adults have experienced tooth decay at some point in their lives.” read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Jul-24-2020

2047 Effective Rosacea Treatment To Get Relief From The Symptoms
The nasty pimples and red patches on your skin are often too embarrassing. You are ready to do anything to get rid of them, but unfortunately you don’t know the exact solution of it. There is no denying that for many, acne alone is a great struggle. When this is accompanied with redness and rashes, things can be further irritating. read more...
By Rock henry | Apr-30-2015

2358 How to Hack lots of android and ios games by games need hack
Today we will highlight one of the gratest contemporary war cheats tool! read more...
By ramk3029 | Mar-08-2015

2515 Chinese Medicine for Polycystic Kidney Disease
Chinese Medicine, as a kind of natural treatment, has gotten wide attention from Polycystic Kidney Disease patients. Traditionally, no treatment, except medication for high blood pressure, is offered to Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, which always make patients feel depressed. read more...
By bingllei | Feb-07-2012

2745 Advice for Patients with Lupus Nephritis
Lupus Nephritis is the most common complication of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Due to its high risk of progressing to renal failure, it is better for patients with to attach great importance to it. Here are some pieces of advice for patients with lupus nephritis. read more...
By bingllei | Feb-07-2012

2511 What Can I Do To My Worsen Conditions and Avoid Dialysis Caused By PKD
Q: I have Polycystic Kidneys and have been advised by doctors that I just have to wait until the situation worsens in the future (Maybe 10 years) whereby I will need dialysis or a transplant. I am enquiring if you can offer any preventative solutions to delay the cysts growing. read more...
By bingllei | Feb-07-2012

2530 Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)-Giving Patients New Hopes
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary disease which will run down in the families and it has been the fourth prime cause of kidney failure all over the world. read more...
By bingllei | Feb-06-2012

2426 Conservative Therapies for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is caused by abnormal gene. In present medicine area, there is no cure for the disease. However, if they can receive treatment in time, it is possible for them to avoid Renal Failure. The conservative therapies for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) are as follows: read more...
By bingllei | Feb-04-2012

2947 DBS for Depression
The Deep Brain Stimulation surgery has shown successful results in a majority of patients suffering from advanced stages of the Parkinson’s disease and is now a well-accepted treatment. While this surgery showed major improvements in Parkinson’s disease patients for controlling motor movements and the like, until recent time there was no substantial evidence that the same surgery could be used for patients suffering from depression. read more...
By Dr. Paresh | Feb-02-2012

2765 How to cure bleeding Hemorrhoids?
It has been seen that hemorrhoids problem exists in about 4% of the population and is equally prevalent among both men and women. It is more prevalent among the age group of 45 to 65 years. Read this article that tells about how to cure bleeding hemorrhoids. read more...
By Amit Kothiyal | Feb-02-2012

2734 Removing Warts On Your Entire Body
Terrible, unattractive, and awkward. These represent the common words that refer to a skin disease- warts. Any person obtaining warts may feel ashamed or bashful and may not really have the valor to deal with a lot of people due to this uncomfortable thing on his or her physique. read more...
By Laura Meneses | Feb-02-2012

2729 What are the physical benefits Pilates and yoga?
Pilates is a non-aerobic exercise that stretches the muscles of the body and makes them well toned. This has a definite placement rhythm and breathing pattern as well. Read this article that describes the physical benefits of pilates and yoga. read more...
By Amit Kothiyal | Feb-02-2012

4273 Dialysis ≠ Long Life!!!
In recent years, more and more patients are suffering from Kidney Failure, so many reasons to cause this disease, such as IgA, Lupus, Purpura, Diabetes, PKD(Polycystic Kidney Disease) etc. Especially for the patients with ADPKD, the local doctors suggest them to receive the dialysis regularly, so they think the dialysis is the useful treatment for them. read more...
By bingllei | Feb-02-2012

2905 What's the Effect of Ketosteril for Renal Failure
Is Ketosteril effective for patients with Renal Failure? Is there side effects if taking it for long time? Can Ketoseril lower serum creatinine? This article talks about the effect of Ketosteril in treating Renal Failure. Hope it can help. read more...
By bingllei | Feb-02-2012

11367 Does PKD Reoccur After Stem Cell Transplant
Stem Cell Transplant has been used to treat kidney disease, including Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). In most cases, stem cell did a good job which can no be achieved by conventional treatment. Does PKD reoccur after stem cell transplant? This text will provide full information. read more...
By bingllei | Feb-01-2012

2537 Could Polycystic Kidney Disease be Cured
Can Polycystic Kidney Disease be cured? All of the patients with PKD want to know the answer to this question. Most of the Patients with PKD don't know PKD in detail. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-31-2012

2814 When Is Your Time to Start Dialysis for PKD
PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is known as numerous cysts in kidneys. As renal cysts keep enlarging constantly, most patients fail to the escape the fate of dialysis. Seeing parent (s) suffering from dialysis, many patients-to-be are usually frightened to ask when is my time to start dialysis. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-31-2012

2710 Why Micro-Chinese Medicine Can Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease
There is a patients email us for the PKD of her husband. She writes that: There are three to four cyst measuring 1.9 to 2 cm. His father passed away from these cysts. So, we are afraid of the same that he also going to failure his kidney's or so. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-30-2012

2479 What Are Chinese Herbal Medicines
Chinese herbal medicine is a holistic therapy, which products Zero side effects for your health. Chinese herbal medicine is holistic, because it is designed to treat the whole person, both mind and body; it is used in treating diseases, both symptoms and underlying disease; most patients are expected to achieve an overall improvement in health. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-29-2012

2754 Natural Treatments of Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder that causes fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys. Many cysts grow in the kidneys will press the around normal tissues and reduce the renal function. It may cause renal failure in many cases eventually. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-28-2012

2533 Ten Ways to Control High Creatinine Level
Creatinine is the waste products of the major energy metabolite creatinine. High creatine level usually indicates the kidney dysfunctions. Here are ten ways to control high creatinine level for your reference. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-28-2012

3917 Give Your Polycystic Kidneys a Makeover—Stem Cell
Even though PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is regarded that can not be cured, a new technology—Stem Cell Transplant may give your polycystic kidneys. Stem cells are called “all powerful Cells”, which can differentiate into all kinds of cells in the body. It is this property that is used to treat many kinds of complex diseases, such as Diabetes, Cardio failure and kidney disease, including polycystic kidney disease. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-28-2012

2676 How Does Herbs Lower High Creatinine Level
High Creatinine Level in blood is always an indicator of kidney dysfunction, which causes wastes accumulate in the body. There are many modern medications to lower creatinine level fast, but most of them take side effects to strain impaired kidneys. Luckily, there certain herbs which can be conjunctive therapy that contribute to controlling high creatinine level, counteracting side effects and repairing impaired kidneys. read more...
By bingllei | Jan-28-2012