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792 Herbal Remedies For Diabetes Mellitus - Impaired Carbohydrate Utilization
Diabetes Mellitus is a lifelong health problem. You can keep this problem under control with the help of herbal remedies which should be taken daily. read more...
By Jeramey Thompson | Sep-16-2011

1064 Type 2 Diabetes and Body Fat
Typefreediabetes offers a full line of diabetes medical supplies, including; heart rate monitor watch, blood sugar supplements, durable diabetes medical equipment, and digital blood pressure monitor and facts about diabetes. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Sep-08-2011

661 Dental Care – How to Find a Affordable Dentist
A proper check-up of teeth is always recommended after each six months. Some times it is costly and people don’t have the budget to visit at the dentist but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have any options. People can find an affordable dentist by some awareness and effort. read more...
By Tour & Travel | Sep-06-2011

804 Expert Diabetes Tips to Control Glucose
The test group did not take any nourishment other than water for a period of 24 hours. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Sep-05-2011

640 Anti-Diabetic Pharmaceuticals Market in India 2011
Bharatbook added a new report on " Anti-Diabetic Pharmaceuticals Market in India 2011 " which gives an overveiw, Demand, Supply Trends and Forecasts, market research reports. read more...
By Bharat Book | Aug-30-2011

1240 Blood Glucose Test for Diabetes – Reference Ranges
Typefreediabetes offers a full line of diabetic supplies, including; heart rate monitor watch, sugar free candies, delivered prepared meals, durable diabetes medical equipment, and body fat scales and facts about diabetes. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Aug-29-2011

1115 Protecting the Kidneys from Damage Especially if You’re Diabetic
Your kidneys work hard every day to remove waste products from your body. They also help keep your body’s chemicals in balance and help keep the amount of water in your body balanced. read more...
By doctorshealthpress | Aug-24-2011

803 Blood Glucose Test for Diabetes – Home Testing
Latest models of glucometers allow you to record and store this data for future analysis. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Aug-18-2011

874 Typefreediabetes - Looking after your diabetes
The key to keeping your blood glucose levels or (sugar levels as it is commonly known), under control is to keep your sugar level within the recommended range of 4 to 7 millimoles per liter. Only regular monitoring can help you achieve this. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Aug-17-2011

826 Does Menopause Increase Risk of Diabetes?
It is an idea that has been hinted at for some time, and its answer is important for all middle-aged women. Does menopause influence one's risk for type 2 diabetes? With the latest health news, it's time to don a smile, because researchers found the answer to be "no." read more...
By doctorshealthpress | Aug-11-2011

921 Diabetes - Tips for a summer of Healthy Cookouts
Wrap the veggies tinfoil and throw the package on a grill. Cook the veggies alongside your hotdogs and hamburgers for about 20 minutes, or until the veggies are tender and hot. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Aug-08-2011

999 Diabetes and Blood Pressure
Three out of every five clients who have diabetes along with blood pressure seem to consider blood pressure as a ‘minor’ issue and diabetes to be the major issue. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Jul-30-2011

939 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure!
This combination of skills is vital because food and exercise are deeply inter-related. The kind of food you eat, how much you eat, when you eat shares a deep connection with when you exercise, what kind of exercise you do and the level of intensity. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Jul-29-2011

839 Vegetarian Diet and Nutrition - Great for Diabetes
Nutrition is all about what a person with diabetes eats. Nutrition and diet mean the same thing. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Jul-28-2011

740 Type 2 Diabetes – Nutrition Basics
Typefreediabetes offers a full line of diabetes supplies, including; heart rate monitor watch, Men's Diabetic Shoes, delivered prepared meals, durable diabetes medical equipment, Body Fat Scales and facts about diabetes. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Jul-18-2011

768 Leading a Healthy and Fulfilling Life despite Diabetes
Diabetes is a dark shadow that follows bad life style. Switching over to a healthy life may not get rid of the shadow but it will turn it into a less intense, pale reflection of its former self. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Jul-16-2011

701 How Does Diabetes Cause Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction
There are millions of diabetes sufferers all over the world who are at risk of facing a kidney failure, partial or complete blindness as well as diabetes can also kill a person’s sexual life completely. In this article we are going to discuss how diabetes can cause sexual problems and some of the re read more...
By Ajeet Gautam | Jul-15-2011

845 Portion Control and Manage Your Weight!
Portion control is understands how much a serving size is and how many calories a serving contains. Portion control is important for weight management as the weight is defined by the total calorie intake. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Jul-06-2011

825 Dieting and Weight Loss tips!
Sugar is bad for all Diabetics for a number of reasons; however, it does not need to be completely avoided if you have a craving for it. read more...
By Amy Stephens | Jul-04-2011

723 Optimum Diabetics Supplements - Herbal Supplement To Aid Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high glucose or sugar levels in blood. Our liver gives out glucose in to blood by synthesizing the carbohydrates we intake. read more...
By Peter Filinovich | May-02-2011

954 Fish Oil Diabetes Eliminate the Dreaded Condition Efficiently
All over the world, millions of people are suffering from the dreaded condition known as diabetes. This prevents them in going on with their lives in the most effective way. As a result, they are being sidelined in their normal activities. Also, this condition may be deadly so it is a must that it must be treated effectively. If you are among those diabetes sufferers, you should know that there is a solution that will be able to help you to be free from the said condition. read more...
By lexorleslie | Apr-12-2011

878 Diabetic Children - How to Manage Diabetes in Children
Diabetes is very common affecting more and more children. Learn how to help your child manage diabetes in order to reduce the risk of diabetic complications. read more...
By MedicalZones | Mar-29-2011

799 How Do You Know You are Diabetic
Diabetes is a disease mastery which your healthy glucose, or sugar, levels are radically high. Glucose comes from the foods you eat. Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose get into your cells to allot them energy. read more...
By H.jones | Nov-22-2011

1171 Compression Stockings: A great therapy for healthy legs
What are compression stockings? Well, compression stockings are hosiery that is designed to improve blood flow and to reduce limb swelling which helps in making the healthy legs. read more...
By maddy | Oct-13-2010

1043 Diabetic socks – For safety, comfort and support
Diabetes is one of the problems that is engulfing a big portion of population these days. This is also one of the reasons why many researchers are working on giving relief to the diabetic people up to whatever extent possible. read more...
By maddy | Oct-04-2010