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3224 Hope and Fear!!
There are only two things that sell in this world.. Hope and Fear respectively. Everything in this globe is sold under the pretext of these two emotions. Every product, service and sentiment is disguised in it. Where hope is spread in open grounds. Fear is transmitted from closed doors. Hope is long drawn. Fear can be instant. Hope can go either way. Fear has its objective spellbound. Look around and you will see it everywhere. Hope and Fear.It’s with that “Hope” that thousands were born....... read more...
By Shreesha | Oct-07-2011

2101 An Essay on India's Nuclear Policy
India has an age old tradition of being peace loving country and this, it has depicted in all its activities and attitudes through the ages. But, with the growth of Science and Technology, the world has gone far ahead in using its knowledge of Science as an instrument of destruction. The movement of the world in its knowledge of Science has been thought provoking for the Indians also, and they have had to do some rethinking in the matter. read more...
By Chinchumol | Mar-16-2011

2698 An Essay on Inflation In India
Inflation as an economic phenomena may be described as the continuous upward spiral of prices in all parts of the economy. This can be described as a boost to the economy, but, if it is not properly handled we may be burdened with rising prices which may prove detrimental to economic growth. The economic situation in a country can be analyzed under the following heads of production and distribution. read more...
By Chinchumol | Mar-16-2011

23845 An Essay on Corruption in India
The last two decades of the existence of independence, India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of existing corruption. The media, the public, the variety of forums for discussions and debates for the higher intelligentsia are all neck deep buried in highlighting the rampant corruption in every sphere. In this debate the rural folk are also not far behind. read more...
By Chinchumol | Mar-16-2011

2294 Explaining Economic Liberalization in India
Let us first consider as to what really does this word of economic liberalization mean. This means in very simple terms, a free market economy. The idea of liberalization endorses to is to eliminate an inefficient and non productive system. read more...
By Chinchumol | Mar-16-2011

2896 How to Improve the US Economy - A Political Perspective
Many people like to talk about the US economy and the direction our country is heading under the Obama administration. This article provides a more pragmatic examination from a political perspective, of how an improvement of the US economy can be achieved. The information presented here is based on the premise that in the end, it is the American people who know what is best for Americans, and not government officials. read more...
By Thomas Sullivan | Nov-06-2009

2012 Why Not More Government Bail-outs for us All?
If government bail-outs are good for our economy, why not bail us all out? read more...
By Harry Harmon | Aug-03-2009

2027 Free Market Capitalism Killed Our American Economy? A Ghost Story
Why free market capitalism is a ghost haunting our collective minds. read more...
By Harry Harmon | Aug-01-2009

3257 Is Our Money worth the Paper it’s printed on?
Our ancestors knew the difference between "junk money" and value for their labor. read more...
By Harry Harmon | Jul-27-2009