March - 2010 Articles

436 How to Pick up The Perfect Kids Costumes for Halloween
Children like partying & remain ecstatic about celebrating festivals such as Halloween, Chirstmas & New Year etc. It helps them win appreciation & get immense self satisfaction. read more...
By Adele Wiseman1 | Mar-26-2010 | Clothing

552 Fun & Creative Range of Adult Costumes
People of all age group seek for entertainment & fun in fancy dress costumes. Adults too can plan for their own costumes to portray the characters of their choice. From adult male costumes to adult Halloween costumes, the options are numerous. read more...
By Adele Wiseman1 | Mar-26-2010 | Clothing

465 The Basics of Fancy Dress Requirement
Parties are mere not occasions of enjoyment for people but they also add humor to their lives. That’s why people take care to include all those activities in parties that will help them enjoy amidst friends & family members. read more...
By Adele Wiseman1 | Mar-26-2010 | Clothing

1000 Saree – The Awesome Indian Traditional Attire
The saree is the most ancient of all Indian attires. The magnificence of the saree stems from the fact that it looks good on women of any shape, age or race. read more...
By Ankit Jain | Mar-26-2010 | Clothing

505 Mortgaging Your Home in 2010: Good times Ahead!
The long awaited path to recovery is finally in place and US’s economy finally clawed its way out of its deeest recession since the 1930s in the fourth quarter of 2009. read more...
By Richarrd Henry | Mar-26-2010 | Mortgage

462 Cisco CCNA / CCNP Certification Exam
CCNA is the second level certification in the Cisco career certification process; this course includes the basic aspect of Local Area Network (LAN) such as installation, configuration, operation, and troubleshooting of mid-size route and switched networks, also including implementation and authentication of connections to remote sites in a Wide Area Network (WAN). read more...
By George Batey | Mar-26-2010 | Reference and Education

1380 Dynamic factor influencing currencies
The chief element of the forex market are comprises of currencies and they are driven by various forces pushing the currencies up and down depending upon the movements of the market trends visual at charts. read more...
By Linda | Mar-26-2010 | Investing

658 An Avant-garde Way of Promoting Your Business
Corporate gifts are the right marketing tool to give a perfect customer base to your business. These gifts imprinted with company name, logo, message or website address can be presented on any occasion to your customers, business partners and employees. read more...
By Article Expert | Mar-26-2010 | Advertising

968 Yoga Central - Camel Pose
This is the second article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as camel pose or Ustrasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose. read more...
By Mercedes Aspland | Mar-26-2010 | Yoga

625 A Predetermined Base to Your Business Promotion
Presenting business gifts on any occasion to your customers, business partners, potential clients or employees is considered as one of the unique ways of giving new heights to the business promotion. read more...
By Article Expert | Mar-26-2010 | Advertising

544 A Brief Description of Botox Injections
Botox has become a very popular treatment for any muscular problems and it is also used to remove lines and wrinkles on the face that is caused mainly by your daily muscle contraction. read more...
By Alex Lewey | Mar-26-2010 | Health and Fitness

840 Know How to Maintain your Human Hair Extensions
The human hair extensions have become quite popular these days. Well, there are plenty of benefits of these extensions that provide almost a natural look. However, the problem with the human hair extensions is that there are plenty of different types of them available. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Mar-26-2010 | Fashion

517 Overview of Radiesse Injections
Radiesse is bio-compatible, non toxic, non allergic filler that helps mainly to reduce the wrinkle appearance and skin folds around the mouth, nose and also fills the scars. read more...
By Alex Lewey | Mar-26-2010 | Health and Fitness

493 The best management of the wedding for future happiness
These days there are several sites on the internet that can offer you the best help in wedding management and thereby you can have a perfectly planned wedding with their help. read more...
By Mike Campbell | Mar-26-2010 | Weddings

928 Translator: A Puppet or Einstein!
Is a translator a puppet or an einstein? As a translator do you want to be counted as a person who solely follows the glossary and terminology and give damn about the other things and make the translation dreadfully prosaic or we want to be simply like Shakespeare, The Master of Words! read more...
By Rajiv Ranjan | Mar-26-2010 | Language

855 Importance of Reputation for Freelance Translators
Your personal reputation is one of the most valuable things that we will own regardless of where we are of what we do. It is something that is with you always, affects parts of your daily life and is very difficult to change. read more...
By Rajiv Ranjan | Mar-26-2010 | Language

913 Meaning of Translation
Translation is, above all, an activity that aims at conveying meaning or meanings of a given-linguistic discourse from one language to another, rather than the words or grammatical structures of the original. read more...
By Rajiv Ranjan | Mar-26-2010 | Language

827 Role and status of Translators and Interpreters
In the colonial context, we find translators and interpreters, but particularly interpreters taking on an amazing range of responsibilities which go far beyond linguistic mediation. Interpreters in the colonial context acted as guides, explorers, brokers, diplomats, ambassadors and advisers on Indian or local affairs; that is why they were sometimes branded as traitors, because they were indispensable to the colonial authorities. read more...
By Rajiv Ranjan | Mar-26-2010 | Language

581 Bates Method and its Benefits
Bates Method is a little known alternative therapy that can help you with your eyesight. In this article we are going to look at the origins of bates method as well as giving you some information on how it can help you and how to see your progress. read more...
By Mercedes Aspland | Mar-26-2010 | Alternative Medicine

881 Subtitling: A Real Art...
When we talk about what subtitling is, we can say in simple words that it is a printed translation. Which surely is true, but what if we take it as an art. You’ll not agree with me on the first place. When given some deep thoughts to it, nobody can deny the importance and skills required to be a subtitler. read more...
By Rajiv Ranjan | Mar-26-2010 | Language

938 Tips for Translation
There is no need to explain what translation means in our everyday non-professional understanding. It is a process when a text – be it oral or written - created in one language is transferred into another language. But translation has never been just a word for word substitution – it is a difficult and creative process that requires real professionals with a wide experience in translation industry. read more...
By Rajiv Ranjan | Mar-26-2010 | Language

539 How to Get an Auto Loan If You Are Self - Employed
Now young students can enjoy many benefits when they avail their credit facilities. And college student auto loans are specialized credit facilities which make it possible for students to satisfy their commutation needs by availing an affordable car loan having reduced interest rates, and lowered down payment. read more...
By Autoloanfinance | Mar-26-2010 | Loans

513 Looking for an auto bargain? Try an auto auction!
The economy is slowly recovering but most people are still watching their money and shopping for bargains. If your family needs another car, whether for a first time driver or as a station car, a public car auction is an ideal way to find a used car. read more...
By Alyson Beasley | Mar-26-2010 | Business

550 How to decorate the new concrete?
Concrete is one of the strongest elements used in the construction of buildings. They are used in different sections of the buildings including walks, floors etc. Though mostly known for adding strength, the concrete is also used for the decorative purposes. read more...
By Benedict Yosarian | Mar-26-2010 | Interior Design

600 Some Facts about Hair Extension
The history of hair extension methods can be traced back to Egyptian Times. Since then it has been one of the most popular methods of looking good. What sets this process as a class apart is that it allows one to look good with minimal effort. read more...
By Andrew Newell | Mar-26-2010 | Fashion