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Sonal has 1 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 483 times.

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office no 11/12,
India, maharshtra, kharghar,
410210, 9223232559
We are promoting cctv surveillance cameras.CCTV Services have been mounting in recognition over many years and its equipment maintains to progress in lot many ways that makes it consistent, flexible and inexpensive for all types of businesses right from small, medium to large size. Premeditated and pre planned system can save a lot of money and funds in an organization by detecting and discovering burglary and security issues. It can also get better efficiency by supervising worker output and the dealings like Identifying Potentially Hazardous Areas, False Accidents & Workers Complaint Claims, Aggravated burglary, brutality & sabotage, Employee and consumer thievery, Employee Productivity, Work Efficiency, Shrink and Traffic jams concerns

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