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Perfectpr has 3 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 650 times.

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26 Harwood Avenue,
United Kingdom, Plymouth, Plymouth,
PL5 4NX,
Perfect PR is a multi- dimensional, multi location and multi function agency catering to the clients needs in various fields, including print and electronic media- Media Conferences, Events, Theme Parties, Dealers Meet, Product Launch, Media visits, News Releases, Seminars, Interactive Interviews and Media Monitoring etc. Perfect PR helps business concerns understand how, when and where to make their presence felt, so that their strengths are realized to their fullest potential. In short, our approach proves effective in developing the brand equity of our clients in key domains, such as the media, government, the world of business and finance, and the final consumer. We have retained both patronage and confidence of our esteemed clients.

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Arts and Entertainment (1) Business (1)
Credit (1)