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Javan has 1 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 223 times.

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mohit vihar,
mohit vihar,
India, uttar pradesh, saharanpur,
Upon sealing the deal with a music distribution agency, the artist is assured that his/her/their online presence will be felt, that’s a guarantee. But to make sure that you can also sell your music online, you should find creative ways to have fans and non-fans alike download your music. With music distribution, the bottom line is digital music downloads and the more downloads, the more profit for the artist. It used to be that radio airplay was the only way to sell music, and then it was replaced by the stylish music video. These days, however, a standard music video won’t suffice. What are the other types of videos for music artists to take on to generate digital downloads and ultimately, make it an income-generating endeavor? Let us count
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