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Philippines, manila, mkati,
42145, 7679679
Personal Website : http://www.flowstrip.co.uk
emoving lint or hairs from clothing. Wrap tape around your palm with the sticky side facing outwards and pass it over your garments. 2. Removing dust from keyboards. Fold a piece of tape in half lengthways and drag between keys. 3. Removing dust from blinds. 4. Removing crumbs from furniture or clothing. Crumbs stick to tape easily. 5. Removing cobwebs from ceilings. Attach tape sticky-side out to the end of a broom and reach into corners. 6. Remove lipstick from silk. A simple stick and pull will remove the offensive mark in seconds. 7. Clean your nail file. Simply stick and remove to remove dust. 8. Remove animal hairs. Use the same technique as tip 1. 9. Catch flies.Just hang a piece of tape from the ceiling. 10. Prote
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