Amandabixby's Profile:

Amandabixby has 1 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 182 times.

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Rhapsody Street,
United States of America, FL, Leesburg,
I am 25 years, going on 26 soon.... Wow, time sure flies fast. I love to enjoy life as much as I could. If everything was up to me, 24 hours a day is not enough to live. I was born & raised in the southwest side of Chicago, home of the Cubs and deep dish pizza. Oh, just the thought of it makes me hungry. It reminds me of our college pig-out sessions after my friends and I finish our term papers. As of now, I am working at a law firm at downtown as a Systems Analyst, otherwise known as their IT girl. It's not that bad, but of course I still want do something else, particularly web design and development. I also love to write and whenever I do have time I do write things about everything but mostly about Technology, Internet, SEOP Inc, Social Media, Web Development, Web Design, and the likes.

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