Sandra1111's Profile:

Sandra1111 has 1 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 353 times.

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Marshall Street,
United States of America, Maryland, Baltimore,
"I am free to be whatever I choose".I like do things that bring smiles to me,share with people my thoughts and show them beauty of environment.I teach at university at Journalistic faculty,I spend a lot of time with my students and we build relations on respecting each other and sharing our life experience.It is very interesting rise up to student's level,I mean rise up,not go down as think a lot of other "teachers" at university.Here I want to share with you,dear visitors, my secrets how to write academic works,hope it will help you at your sometimes boring university life.Its my methodologies..I am lying...My dear students helped me a lot in investigation.It is needed to write 150 characters about myself.It is 119...I think everything about me and all You we can learn out through blogging,with great pleasure I will answer on all your questions,if you have them,or need...Finally 150 characters-we can communicate.

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Writing and Speaking (1)