Niamhmckeon's Profile:

Niamhmckeon has 1 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 437 times.

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4th Floor, The Tower, Trinity Enterprise Campus, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, Ireland,
Ireland, Dublin 2, Dublin 2,
Niamh graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a 4 year honours degree, BA (Mod) in Natural Science specialising in Zoology. She has specialist research experience in bird speciation, house dust mite and coral reef surveys gained on the islands off Sulawesi, Indonesia. On her return and to extend her office skills and efficiency she completed a Business Skills Diploma from Pitman Training for which she achieved a distinction. Before working at Allergy Standards Limited she worked in the production of science, technology and physiology based television programs for the Irish national broadcaster, which involved researching into current developments and issues.

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Health and Fitness (1)