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Manchesterdatarecovery has 2 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 926 times.

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Manchester Data Recovery,
Peter House, Oxford Street,
United Kingdom, North WEST Eng, Manchester,
M1 5AN,
know exactly what needs to be done and how much it will cost. The only exception to this is if the damage caused to the storage device is of a mechanical nature in which case an additional charge may be incurred. Our prices are fixed and the price we quote you initially is the price you pay providing we have all the correct information and an accurate diagnosis of the fault. We back up our clients' data to DATA DVDs and do so for free up to 30GBs. anything above 30GBs and we require you to purchase an external device for the data's storage. We have a variety in stock so if needs be you can purchase one directly from us.

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Data Recovery (2)