Immersionfreediving's Profile:

Immersionfreediving has 8 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 1111 times.

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3444 NE 15th Ave,
United States of America, Florida, Oakland Park,
33334, 954-324-4444
Immersion Freediving has one goal in mind: to get people involved in freediving and teach them the techniques needed to make them better and safer free divers. Immersion Freediving works by teaching you the core techniques which world class freedivers use. To ensure your safety they also teach you necessary skills and procedures to be a safe free diver. Once you have these tools under your belt, you can go back to spear fishing, enjoying the reef, or photography, knowing that you will be a more confident and competent free diver. Immersion Freediving gives useful freediving techniques which many people are unaware after been into freediving for their whole life.
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Recreation and Sports (7) Reference and Education (1)