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Brainwork has 240 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 2808 times.

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2/328 Subhash Nagar,
2/328 Subhash Nagar,
India, Delhi, New Delhi,
Bakul Sikri is working as Sr. SEO Manager with Brainwork Technologies and has been an active name in the field of Internet Marketing since 2006. Bakul is known for his sharp and innovative Internet Marketing strategies that makes him a successful name behind many successful projects in industries like real estate, online advertising, traveling and entertainment. His punctuality, hard work, dedication and perception have been his major observations amongst his fellow colleagues and clients. With his experience in product strategy, product development, business development, sales, marketing and general management, he serves his clients with the best Media Strategies, Consumer Strategies, Research and Metrics to give them a vast and successful edge over their competitors. Bakul believes that constant intake of new knowledge in inevitable for succeeding in the field of Internet Marketing for which he continuously attends various Search Engine Seminars like SMX Advance, AD Tech etc.

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