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How Dental Implants Can Help You Have A Better Smile?
Dentists place more number of dental implants each year, making them a popular and successful tooth replacement alternative. read more...
By Paul Pinho | Aug-13-2021

Know the Types of Orthodontic Problems
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on improving a patient's smile by straightening their teeth and jaw structure. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Jul-30-2021

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Decay
Tooth decay is one of the most common health problems in Australia, and it is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world. According to the Australian Dental Association, Over 90% of Australian adults have experienced tooth decay at some point in their lives.” read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Jul-24-2020

1171 The fear of success is holding you back- get over it
A fear of relationships, the fear of success stops you from getting out of bed on the morning, something that makes you want to avoid meeting certain people, something that makes you feel stupid in front of your peers. read more...
By Calton Jones | Dec-19-2011

975 Peritoneal Dialysis is a Good Choice for A Part of Patients
Peritoneal dialysis is a common dialysis method for the patients with Uremia. The patients on peritoneal dialysis do not need building vascular access or extracorporeal circulation. Therefore, it has less damage to the patients. Peritoneal dialysis is appropriate to the following patients groups. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-19-2011

987 Stem Cell Transplant for Renal Failure
Renal Failure is a common life-threatening disease. Although the modern medicines develop very rapidly, the incidence and death rate of Renal Failure is still rising year after year. Clinically, dialysis and kidney transplant are two main therapies for the patients with Renal Failure. It can not be denied that those two therapies have improved the patients’ living conditions and prolong their life expectancy greatly. However, some patients have to endure the huge economic burden and so many side read more...
By bingllei | Dec-18-2011

938 Why Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Have High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a common symptom of Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) and may be its first sign. In return, high blood pressure also can accelerate PKD progression. Therefore, it is very important for the patients with PKD to know the reason of high blood pressure so as to take relative treatments to control the high blood pressure. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-18-2011

14063 One Case of Chronic Nephritis Treatment by Micro-Chinese Medicines and Stem Cell
The main therapeutical effect of Micro-Chinese Medicines is to block the inflammatory reaction of renal fibrosis, to stop the further damage of renal tubule epithelial cells and various renal intrinsic cells; at the same time, it can clear the internal environment of patients, then will be available on keeping stable of blood pressure, enhance hemachrome. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-17-2011

1074 Can PKD Patients Shrink the Kidney Cysts Naturally?
Normally, PKD means many patients have kidney cysts on their kidneys, and with the age become old, the kidney cysts will become bigger, even press the kidney tissues and damage the kidney function. Many patients want to shrink the kidney cysts naturally. However, some local doctor suggests them just to wait the kidney cysts become big enough, and then adopt the surgery to remove the kidney cysts. The surgery will damage the kidney function, and the kidney cysts will re-gain after surgery. Just w read more...
By bingllei | Dec-17-2011

1007 Instruct You to Read Urine Test Report
Urine Routine Test (URT) is a common assistant diagnosis approach, which is an objective indicator for many diseases in early stage. This test usually checks physical character, chemical components and urinary sediment of urine. As to checking urine’s physical character, it includes urine volume, urinating frequency, urine color and transparency, odour and specific gravity. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-17-2011

951 Side Effects of Hemodialysis and How to Prevent them
Hemodialysis is a lifesaving substitutive therapy for patients with end stage renal failure (ESRF). However, the patients often have to encounter various side effects of hemodialysis. Most of these side effects can be managed if the patients can follow the recommendations of their doctors and keep a strict dietary habit. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-17-2011

1090 Do You Want to Get Rid of PKD?
There are two kinds of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in the world: infantile polycystic renal disease and Adult polycystic renal disease. In clinical, it is not common to see the case of infantile polycystic renal disease, more people are diagnosed as Adult polycystic renal disease at the age of 40-60, or this disease can be occur at any age. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-16-2011

2756 How To Start A Business Of Online Pharmacy Being At Home
Nowadays, it is not enough if you rely on regular monthly income. You need to find suitable ways for increasing your income so that you can cope up with the luxurious lifestyle. read more...
By caveneste | Dec-16-2011

1017 Renal Cyst Treatment
Renal cyst is very troublesome disease. Taking a proper treatment to halt the aggravation of their condition is very necessary. Then how to make this and is there any method an help them effectively? Generally speaking, the most important thing for patients with Kidney Cyst is to stop the growth of the cyst so that they can avoid complications caused by renal cysts. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-16-2011

1069 How Long can Kidney Disease Patients who are undergoing Dialysis Live
Patients with Kidney Diseases have to take dialysis when their illness conditions progress into End-Stage Renal Failure (ESRD) which is also called Uremia. Many patients who are undergoing dialysis are wondering how long they can live. How long they can live when they begin to have dialysis depends on their particular illness conditions to the largest extent. What is more, it also depends on the treatment one receives. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-16-2011

1000 Urinary Tract Infection Caused by PKD
Urinary tract infection is one of the most common complications in patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (hereinafter called PKD), which mainly presents Cystitis, Pyelonephritis, Cystic infection and Perinephric Abscess. In clinical symptoms, urinary tract infection usually emerges at first. And 50% to 70% of patients can present once urinary tract infection at least in their whole life and this often occurs in female patients read more...
By bingllei | Dec-16-2011

926 Life Expectancy of Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease
As we all know that Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a kind of congenital kidney disease and the problem is the gene factors, so up to now, a complete cure for this disease is still not available. As for many patients, after they were diagnosed as this disease, most of them worry a lot and wonder how long time can they live. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-16-2011

954 How to Treat Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of autosomal dominant inheritance diseases. Most cases (more than 95%) are forming cysts bilaterally and they do not present symptoms until they are around 40 years old. Cysts in other organs such as spleen and pancreas can also be seen. The cysts can enlarge the kidneys which can be 4-5 times larger than the normal ones. Then, how to treat Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease? read more...
By bingllei | Dec-15-2011

2485 How to Avoid Dialysis for PKD patients
It seems that many PKD patients can not escape from the destiny of undergoing dialysis as their illness condition gets worse. However, dialysis, as an auxiliary therapy, is not aimed at repairing the kidneys, which means the kidneys are still worsening even the patients are on dialysis read more...
By bingllei | Dec-15-2011

1016 Knowing about the Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites
A parasite detoxification is similar to a body cleanse. It works to clean the body by getting rid of any parasites that reside in the digestive system. We can get parasites from food and water that has been contaminated with their larvae.There are various symptoms associated with the intestinal parasites including the abdominal pain, foul-smelling gas, frequent diarrhea and many more. Even, persistent parasites in the intestines can result in various problems and there are various other parasite read more...
By Anna Lopez | Dec-14-2011

912 How to Treat Constipation in Babies Naturally
To relieve constipation in babies who are less than 4 months old, you can try giving 1 to 2 ounces of diluted fruit juice. Juices like apple juice, prune juice or apple-prune juice given twice a day can be quite helpful.The main cause of constipation in babies is the introduction of solid food and undigested food. read more...
By Anna Lopez | Dec-14-2011

1004 PKD Treatment With Another Natural Way
For the treatment of PKD, western medicine can just treat big cysts through operation and surgery, and it has no solution to small cysts. Patients have to take these operations for many times if they hope to halt the aggravation of their condition. What’s worse, not all the surgeon are skilled at this surgery, it is probably that healthy renal tissue can be impaired by this invasive operation. That is why many patients with PKD eager to find a natural method, treating their enlarging cysts. Natu read more...
By bingllei | Dec-14-2011

903 Life Expectancy of Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients
How about the life expectancy of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients? Most Polycystic Kidney Disease patients always ask this question because most of them were told that there is no treatment for this disease because it is a kind of hereditary disease. For this reason, most of patients worry about the life expectancy when they were told that they are having this disease. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-14-2011

992 Is Kidney Cyst Severe
Kidney cyst is classified into many types and different types of kidney cyst have different prognosis. If your doctor just told of a cyst in your kidney, you had better figure it out. In this case, you don’t have to be very worried or too careless to miss the best chance to treat it. Read on to know the type of kidney cyst and see whether your cyst is severe or not. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-14-2011

1017 Can Kidney Failure Patients Stop Dialysis
Dialysis is the common method used for kidney failure patients. Dialysis can help the patients live a longer, and enjoy a higher quality life. For in kidney failure stage, the toxins will build up in their body, and if dialysis can't be adopted in time, it will cause many more complications. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-13-2011

1027 Can We Be Free from Dialysis or Avoid Dialysis?
Can we be free from dialysis or avoid dialysis? In the common opinion, the common result of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is to take dialysis and kidney transplant. However, most patients who have taken dialysis know the suffering and pain of the dialysis. And many patients have heard about the suffering of dialysis. So many patients want to know: can we be free from dialysis? read more...
By bingllei | Dec-12-2011

964 Is That OK for PKD patients to Drink Coffee
Coffee is the favorite of many people and they can not pass a day without coffee. It seems cozy to drink a cup of coffee, chatting with close friends, in the afternoon. While is it OK for patients with PKD to drink coffee? The answer is definitely not. read more...
By bingllei | Dec-12-2011

946 Why My Creatinine Level Is High
Creatinine level in blood may be one of the symptoms of kidney diseases. But it can also caused by other reasons. What are the reasons of increase of creatinine level in blood? Following are the answers. Take a look. 1. Fatigue and not having a good rest could be one of the causes of temporary increasing of creatinine level in blood. 2. The presence of concurrent infection such as cold, pneumonia, intestinal tract infection and urinary tract infection in people with renal dysfunction can cause read more...
By bingllei | Dec-12-2011