Zinsser's Article in Writing

722 I Love You Phillip Morris
Jim Carrey’s latest film opens with an announcement: “This really happened,” and then, anticipating your incredulity.
Posted on May-12-2010

741 Sarah Palin has been corrupted by wealth and fame
Sarah Palin now reportedly gets paid up to $100,000 for a single speech – nearly as much as she used to earn as governor in a year – and is greeted everywhere with the fawning adulation of Republican activists.
Posted on Apr-29-2010

860 Word Court
I have always used pocketbook when referring to what she insists is a purse or a handbag. She avers that pocketbook is completely inappropriate, since her purse is not a book that she carries in her pocket. Can you help us resolve this?
Posted on Apr-12-2010