Webmaster Epdmliner's Article in Home Improvement
Extremely best solutions for leaking pond
It works extremely well on all non-porous concrete fountains as well as EPDM fishponds liners. Reflecting pools are another good application for EPDM. These are demanding applications where the unique properties of EPDM have a distinct advantage over other products.
Posted on Nov-26-2011
The Quick And Easy Solution For Pond Leaks
Now that alternative exists in the form of PondPro. Unlike traditional liners, this product goes on in an easily manipulated liquid form which allows you to smooth it on to cover the entire surface of your pond or fountain, no matter its shape. And it is so efficient that it takes only one application to provide for maximum coverage. It also has a 25 year history of success and backed by a 5 year warranty.
Posted on Mar-07-2011