Unixmanga's Article in Arts and Entertainment

573 Read your favorite Manga series online
Gone are the days when we used to sit back home and read the monthly issue of comics. It used to be a long time ago when we had no other option but to read the latest single issue in one month. Most of us now are aware of the power of internet. It has left no stone unturned and has made our life so fast. Today with the evolution of so many websites and online forums it has now become easy to read about anything and as much as you want.
Posted on Oct-09-2010

470 How Japanese Manga Comics are Different than American Comics
Japanese Manga is not famous only In Japan but is read widely in other parts of the world, too, including America. Sometimes it pays to know what the difference is in Japanese Manga and American Comics that prompt universal readers to read it again, after once. American comics are more adhered to real life scenes and stories which Manga takes its readers to entirely different world. The other obvious differences can be noted in cost, creation, presentation, size and accordingly in readership.
Posted on May-20-2010