Ultimatelinings's Article in Home Improvement
The way to Cease Roofing Leaking
Coatings are formulated for use on metal roofing, metal building panels, column covers, garage and entry doors, rainware, gutters, siding, fascia trim, HVAC, lighting fixtures, appliances and more. All of these applications require special properties to handle harsh exterior and interior extremes, such as flexibility, colourfastness, and the ability to perform in a wide range of industrial, commercial and residential applications.
Posted on Jan-12-2012
Coatings For Floor
Polyurea flooring systems are most popular for their rapid turnaround installation capabilities. Other benefits are available with polyurea flooring systems as well. Polyureas are very durable and great for use in areas of high traffic. They are used in clean/dirty rooms as a waterproofing and protective coating from daily pressure cleaning operations. Polyurea can be formulated to be flexible and resilient allowing the flooring system to protect objects that may fall upon them.
Posted on Mar-22-2011
Polyurethane protective coatings | Spray Coatings|Ultimate Linings
Ultimate Linings is a fast setting, rapid curing, aromatic, two components, hybrid polyurea/polyurethane spray designed to be applied over EPS, wood and many other surfaces. Its excellent balance of stiffness and impact resistance provides excellent plastic “shell-like” protection for delicate foams and EPS. Its chemical design allows fast “user-friendly” application with excellent flow and appearance.
Posted on Feb-17-2011