Stellalee's Article in Alternative Medicine

878 E Cigarettes UK- The Cigarette but With A Difference
The latest form of cigarette that you might come across these days is the electronic cigarette. This cigarette unlike the usual cigarette contains no tobacco at all. The electronic cigarette was an invention by the Chinese somewhere in the year 2006 and it gradually became popular in the United States followed by the Britishers in the United Kingdom.
Posted on Jan-16-2012

844 Electronic Cigarettes-The Modern Smoking Trend
Usually a cigarette is very well known for the harm that it causes. Thousands of chemicals are present in a single strand of a cigarette which makes it a matter of caution. The addictives in a cigarette won’t let a person get rid of it on your own. To quit smoking you first need to reduce it and do it step by step each time reducing some amount of it and finally some day you may come over it.
Posted on Jan-01-2012