Snowrose's Article in Parenting

930 Positive Parenting
In modern Britain when parents are expecting a baby it is quite natural and almost expected that parents will attend anti-natal courses to prepare them for the birth and maybe the first 6 months of their child’s life. Somehow however there is still a feeling in modern society that once you are through this initial stage of your child’s life the rest come naturally and that parenting is an instinctive skill that we should all have.
Posted on Nov-27-2009

1316 Children and Self Esteem
We were asked recently whether we think children's self esteem is less robust than in the past. In fact we do think children's self esteem is perhaps more fragile than in previous generations which may seem strange given that there is now a much more child-centred approach to parenting than a generation ago and an increased awareness of how important a healthy self esteem is to so many outcomes for children.
Posted on Nov-13-2009