Prince Simon's Article in Email Marketing

Every expert says that before buying anything you have to take knowledge about it which is very crucial from business point of view. So many business man buy the email list to exceed the sales of its business where there salesman can’t reach easily and buy email list because they can’t target the huge population
Posted on Jul-19-2011

885 Amazon Simple email service
The online bookseller Amazon recently introduced a cloud-based email service termed Simple Email Service, or SES. This service allows businesses to send out emails to subscribers without having to initially invest in and install a third-party email service, meet ISP requirements, or configure their network. Users of Amazon SES are not required to spend a minimum amount or to sign any long-term contract, making this service very cost effective as well as convenient.
Posted on Feb-07-2011

766 Amazon Simple Email Service: The future of email marketing is here
It has been more than a decade now that we have come across the term ‘email marketing’. There is no doubt that email marketing is one of the simplest and convenient ways of reaching out to the clients or prospects and ensure that your online business keeps on growing with every passing day.
Posted on Jan-27-2011

735 Welcome the New Year with Amazon SES!!
This new century is all about computers, internet and the business that is developed using these two new age technologies. No matter what the form of business is, it has become a necessity to have a website and also promote the business as well as the website
Posted on Jan-27-2011

738 Three ways to fail at email marketing
A successful email marketing campaign can earn you thousands of dollars per month while you clip your toenails. So why aren’t more people doing it? Well, more people are doing it than you know. They just aren’t doing it well. There are many ways to fail as an email marketer.
Posted on Dec-09-2010