Preeti's Article in Language
Special Operators in c programming
A variable is an entity whose value can change during program execution. A variable can be thought of as a symbolic representation of address of the memory space where values can be stored, accessed and changed. A specific location or address in the memory is allocated for each variable and the value of that variable is stored in that location.
Posted on Sep-13-2011
Decision Making, Branching & Looping concept in c programming
Execution of a program is essentially sequential in nature. Statements are executed in the order of their appearance in a program. However, this causes a serious limitation on the programming capabilities.
Posted on Sep-13-2011
Learn c programming basic Introducation of C Evolution of C language
C is often termed as a middle level programming language because it combines the power of a high level languages with the flexibility of a low level languages. High level languages have lot of built-in features and facilities, which result in hight programming efficiency and productivity.
Posted on Jul-28-2011